Wait a minute. I think I get the connection.
McDonalds Restaurant = Junk Food
Kingdom Hall = Junk Food
There is a connection!
Outaservice (stay alive til 75)
on the way to dropping my wife off at work this morning, we stopped at an intersection near a funeral home which is constructed very similarly to many kingdom halls.
the following conversation took place:.
me: "that funeral home always reminds me of a kingdom hall.".
Wait a minute. I think I get the connection.
McDonalds Restaurant = Junk Food
Kingdom Hall = Junk Food
There is a connection!
Outaservice (stay alive til 75)
for those of you who still swing by the hall from time to time.
what is the special talk on this year?.
They're called 'Special Talks' because they're 'especially bad'! The 'Memorial Talk' runs a close second!
Outaservice (who never invited any of the public to the above)
i am watching what i think is the dumbest movie ever put on film,the quick and the dead.
sharon stone (who i think looks great with no panties) absolutely sucked in this stupid movie.
whats with the plot of this yawner,its been done a bit too much.she was terrible and gene hackman must have needed the money when he signed on to do this groaner..just my opinion and we all know what they about opinions...they are just like assholes, we all have them and they all stink...
Outaservice (Waiting for just one of the Society's films to get an Oscar)
i'm considering changing my name from 'outaservice' to 'empty'.. so, when you see 'empty' on the 'live chat', that will be me!
would love to hear from you.
outaservice (stay alive til 75)
I'm considering changing my name from 'Outaservice' to 'empty'.
So, when you see 'empty' on the 'live chat', that will be me! Would love to hear from you. :)
Outaservice (stay alive til 75)
a couple decades ago a bro.
tells me an experience that he says i must keep top secret.. one of his roomates (he lived in a 4 man bedroom) at nite while in bed would see this green form in the likeness of a man in the room.
if my memory serves me right, another roomate also saw it, some days later.. so my friend asks all the roomates if any received anything religious from anyone.the 1st guy to report these demons remembered he recently had received a letter with some religious pictures.
Holy Ectoplasm! I would have thought that the Bethel room visitors would have been 'red' with little horns!
Outaservice (hiding under his bed)
as i stepped out of the shower yesterday the phone rang.
thinking it was my husband, who had just left, i answered without checking caller id.
it was my mother.
No Burger King for me. It was too fast of a service. We went to the breakfast place that made everything from 'scratch'! As a matter of fact there was a sign just inside the door that said, 'If you are in a hurry, you're in the wrong place!'
Yep, got in a lot of 'time' that way. Left a couple of magazines in the lobby on the way out!
Outaservice (Thank God)
satan's time lessens
the wts is the closest thing to the restoration of true worship that exists on the face of the earth today, all it needs now is to be perfected.
and it certainly has its enemies.
When the Watchtower fails, Satan fails!
Hezekiah 15:3
Outaservice (and liking it very much)
You're still sleeping and having a nightmare about going back to the JW's?
Outaservice (stay alive til 75)
I've bought the books and clipped many coupons but I always forget to use them or when I remember them they are in the other car.
Our Sunday paper is loaded with coupons and I wish I would/could use them, but I've resigned myself to being broke for the rest of my life or until Armageddon. Wait a minute, that was back in 75!
Outaservice (and presently outacoupons)
does anyone have the real reason for this.. i thought that it was for insurance reasons.. is it due to the orgs.
hell is truth seen too late.
My mother said it would be easier for them to 'gas' you without any windows!
Outaservice (stay alive til 75)