I like his very first recorded song..........
elvis is the king baby!
it is hard to believe that 25 years have passed since elvis' death.
most his songs are "dated" imho, however, his "style" truly lives on.
I like his very first recorded song..........
today's sunday denver post includes a shortened version of the ny times article.
it's in the first section of the paper.. congrats, bill.
i read the article online early, early this morning, and then went to the newsstand to pick up a copy of the paper this morning.
Yes! Advertise, Advertise, Advertise the Kingdom!
yes, the palace on 4440 braeburn road, san diego, ca.
anything appreciated.
There is a whole video spread on it in the movie WITNESSES OF JEHOVAH. If you can't get a copy of it, e-mail me and I will send you one.
Outaservice (but still countin my time!)
*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
Nope, never lied, butt...... if I was Pioneering, anything over 40 hrs. was time and a half! Hey, thats fair isn't it? The 'World' even alows you that!
Outaservice (Who still has trouble trying to figure out where the decibel goes.)
in which part of the planet are you?
i'm in the sf bay area, ca, u.s.a. i have been there for 17 years.. how about you?
On the beautiful sand dune shores of Lake Michigan in West Michigan.
just an fyi sort of thing.
someone at work, her aunt and uncle in their 60s, won the $36 million dollar lottery in california a couple of weeks ago!
just an amazing thing to know someone who knows someone who won!.
Still waiting for two things.........
1. My check from Publishers Clearing House via Ed McMahon.
2. Watchtower article on the Catholic Church pedophile problem.
Outaservice ( A patient person)
this is how jehovahs witness keep the congregations clean.
when anyone does something wrong, adultery, childabuse etc only the elders dealing with the case are supposed to know about it , appart from those directlty involved.
this means that appart from rumors and gosip, which jehovahs witnesses are instructed to ignore (i suspect this is the reason why)no one knows about it.this creates the impression among the general publishers that these things rarely happen.
The only time I can remember our congregation being clean was one Spring when all the sisters got together with mops, brooms, and vaccum cleaners, etc. and went at it!
We had to make 'shepherding calls' (ha) so couldn't help! The coffee and rolls were wonderful!
Outaservice (but still countin my time)
well, how's your weekend going?
here in oz, it's almost over, and it's been a good one.
mrs ozzie's resting on the lounge watching 60 minutes and i'm....well, you know that, eh?
12. Over 4000!
Books on most every subject, but mostly Biblical history, Health & Medicine, Cook Books (Wife), and Biographys / Autobiographys
I've also kept all my Watchtower books, not because I think they have any great value or information in them but merely as a reference. Out of their own mouth's they condemn themselves and so their own books are their worst enemy!
Current book being read: THE MAKING OF BYZANTIUM by Mark Whittow (University of California Press Berkeley 94720)
Outaservice (who when very tired has been known to look at the NATIONAL ENQUIRER)
not my best photo, but it will do for now .
this face was seen at least at 10,000 doors in many states during my 25 years in the borg.
this is the face of an evil apostate ... but i feel much better now ... .
Jim actually looks much better in person, but his personality is his real 'plus'. Easy guy to be around and very well read, so conversation never drags.
i'm getting ready to vent, so please bear with me.
i am hoping y'all can give me some solid advice or if nothing else, tell me you love me and wish me the best.
i hate to do this during such a tough economic slow down, but beginning today, i'm looking for a new job.
I suppose 'Pioneering' is out of the question??
PS Hi Larc