pubsinger: love the blob story. simplifies a complicated idea. and still has me thinking about it.
i remmember the idea that god has been around forever, to be a bit confusing as a witness.. does this really make sense?.
heres two reason why it doesn't.. 1.what was the first thing god did?.
so either it wasn't the first thing , if there is not a first thing god did see point 2,or god had a begining.
pubsinger: love the blob story. simplifies a complicated idea. and still has me thinking about it.
hi...i was wondering why jw's think smurfs are evil?
also what is a dub?
hey, who cares about uncomfortable, I thought valkryie was hot when I was 12. funnyyou two should be discussing the defenders - I recently completed my collection of defenders by buying some back issues on ebay. I was reading some the other day. you know, I had heard such great things about the early issues of the defenders and so far (I have read issues 1 thru 17 so far) I dont' see the appeal. dr strange was always treating the hulk like a "lil bitch" and they fought some not so interesting characters. oh well. maybe things get better once I get to the issues gerber wrote.
i remmember the idea that god has been around forever, to be a bit confusing as a witness.. does this really make sense?.
heres two reason why it doesn't.. 1.what was the first thing god did?.
so either it wasn't the first thing , if there is not a first thing god did see point 2,or god had a begining.
jst2laws: interesting comments. IMO if the bible was more a guide to coping with our own existence rather than gods then it still fails as it has been used to justify atrocious behavior throughout history (i.e. the crusades, indulgences of the catholic church, slavery, separatist groups, etc) as well as and as much as good behaviour.
I like the idea someone put forth as eternity being the space about which time can travel in; I never thought of that in that way before.
nice thread here - serious without anyone fighting. I like it.
...if you don't change your evil ways, baby.
the fear of the lord prolongeth days:.
but the years of the wicked shall be shortened..
I usually vacation in hell from early october until march. balmy climate, friendly natives. the nightlife is especially lively. I wouldn't recommend the "dante tour" though - it's just a tourist trap. it takes a while for the natives to warm to most tourists - most of them see them as honing in on their land. they generate a lot of bad PR to keep people away. there is a little place on the west side of Dis that makes the best margaritas. tell 'em prince william, cousin of charon, nephew to baalazar sent you. they will treat you right.
i remmember the idea that god has been around forever, to be a bit confusing as a witness.. does this really make sense?.
heres two reason why it doesn't.. 1.what was the first thing god did?.
so either it wasn't the first thing , if there is not a first thing god did see point 2,or god had a begining.
zenpunk: I guess this is because in genesis it says: "Let us make man in our image". if god is completely unrelated to man or beyond his comprehension, than most of the bible is useless and god should be studied in more of an abstract way, perhaps as some eastern beliefs dictate.
i remmember the idea that god has been around forever, to be a bit confusing as a witness.. does this really make sense?.
heres two reason why it doesn't.. 1.what was the first thing god did?.
so either it wasn't the first thing , if there is not a first thing god did see point 2,or god had a begining.
I was disturbed by this question also. I mean, if god was perfect, as I understood it, there was no need for him/her/it to do ANYTHING. I was always under the impression that perfection doesnt suffer boredom or a lack of anything. perfection needs nothing. so if this was the case, why did god create anything? the elders tried to tell me that he created us all out of love. my mental rebuttal was always, if he loved us, why didn't he create us exactly like him then? why make us lower than him? that always seemed arrogant to me, but I never voiced this opinion to anyone. I think this is one reason that several years ago I became interested in the gnostic scriptures of the nag hammadi library because quite a few of those scriptures voice a somewhat similar opinion.
if you really think about it, if god had always been, then he must have either done nothing (meditated like buddha I guess) until he suddenly decided to make a bunch of monkeys on a little planet or he was busy creating other things that we have no idea about and then later turned his attentions to our existence. both concepts are equally bothersome to me because both options open up a near endless range of questions about god's "mental state".
today i had my jeep towed into the shop..i dreaded the ride in with the driver (im extremly shy).
but we ended up haveing a great conversation about what vehicle i should buy next.. what a perfect person to ask cuz of his job.
he said "dont get another jeep they roll too easy and they catch on fire.".
2000 candy apple red dodge intrepid. dodge has been good to me - this is my second intrepid.
i know the whole sentiment of beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
even rod sterling had his say on the matter (boy i loved that episode).. what is beautiful in your opinion?
hm. deep question here. let's see what I can share with you all:
beauty (in a person) ---> a mixture of inner and outer qualities that inspire me to want to spend time with them or to be like them. the inner quality is more important than the outer; I've met many people who were considered beautiful and after speaking with them for a time find that they are far from beautiful. at the same time, I have met with many people who would not be considered beautiful by many and found them to be beautiful in the extreme. some of the inner qualities are compassion, warmth, consideration, intelligence, fun loving and gracefulness. [wow, I just described my wife, how about that. ]
beauty (in a non person) ---> something that makes the mind take note, that resonates deep within, something that is framed in a moment of true clarity and speaks volumes effortlessly.
something on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
really long thread filled with interesting thoughts. just to add my 2 cents:
spidermonkey: the movie you are thinking of is bulworth
IMO racism is taught and its beginnings go back too far for me to accurately relate. american racism is a funny thing because it is at times is more virulent and violent than racisim in other countries. and it is downplayed often because nowadays it isn't socially acceptable to talk about it like it used to be. many other posters have nailed it on the head as to why there is racism: hatred. many white people are taught to hate black people because in this country africans were brought here as slaves and treated like animals. black people are taught to hate white people because many white people have made many black people's lives hell and treated them as worse than animals. it is a vicious circle that only a strong will to patience, understanding, compassion and willingness to cross the growing river of hate can help help staunch. I aid in the battle of racism by not being racist and trying to show that atitude to others I deal with on a daily basis.
as someone mentioned before, I also believe a lot of racism is economical in nature. I am black and my wife is white. we haven't had too difficult a time being hassled in a racist sense, one reason being IMO because we are middle class. if we were poorer, I am sure we would be treated differently when we went out. at the same time, there are places in the U.S. I will not go with my wife out of fear for our safety. the world can be an ugly place.
mrmoe I applaud you in your desire to "change the world". good luck. I never went through that phase growing up; I've always been more concerned with simply surviving without losing my mind.
well, i guess one of them will find out sooner than the other!.
wow, what a stupid way to die.