Way to go, OB!
I just finished reading your other thread late last night. Glad you found something that worked for you!
Looking forward to enjoying your s-l-o-w f--a---d----e!
last saturday i posted that the elders keep coming by to "encourage" us.
but wouldn't you know it, sunday morning as i am trying to enjoy a nice breakfast with the family, the doorbell rang.
pissed me off, but this time the husband was home so i told him to go talk to them and tell them that being raised in the borg, we know what we should be doing and don't need them to tell us, which he did.
Way to go, OB!
I just finished reading your other thread late last night. Glad you found something that worked for you!
Looking forward to enjoying your s-l-o-w f--a---d----e!
although this story is several years old, i wanted to share it here.. after i was df'd, in 1996, under questionable and selective circumstances, i really tried to get back in the swing of things in order to be reinstated.
i actually travelled from nyc, where i was staying with family for a short time, back to my cong.
in new jersey, often getting a hotel room solely for the purpose of attending the sunday meeting.. my p.o., tho, basically cringed each time i showed up(guilt, i guess).
Thank you for sharing your story. Welcome to the Board! Tears came to my eyes as I considered your account. How DARE they treat another human being (one they know intimately at that!) so badly and then go about proclaiming their great "neighbor-love." How about the Witnesses start loving their closest neighbors? The ones who are put out, but keep coming back?!
I sincerely hope you've gotten to the point in your existence, Boozy (if I may?), that what anybody back at ANY KH thinks of you no longer impacts on your self-worth. You sound like someone who has a clear picture of what true love and friendship would be.
Your "conscientious elder" could not have spent as much time asking the congregation secretary (or literature servant?) to order a couple more KMs per month, could he.
Are we feeling the love yet?
could you tell me about the jehovah's witness belief in a prophetess?
would you be meaning Deborah?
In reference to Deborah, the JW publication Insight on the Scriptures, Page 695, under the heading Prophet states:
Aside from the anonymous man of Judges 6:8, the only person specifically mentioned in the book of Judges as rendering prophetic service was Deborah the prophetess. (Jg. 4:4-7; 5:7)
And Page 697-8 states:
As earlier, some Christian women received the gift of prophesying, though always subject to the headship of the male members of the congregation. -- Ac 21:9; 1Cor 11:3-5.
As Intro said, "not that [the prophetess] gets a lot of attention."
'nuff said!
at work i had this discussion with some of my buds, ..... what is the thing about the british, and irish, with drinking warm beer?
or at least room temperature?.
when i've done that, it dont do anything for me.
Er, Zev?
...is it just a cultural thing, or is there more to it than us dweeby Americans know about?
Speak for yourself, please.
(who drinks no beer at all)
tried the number several times today.. it doesn't work, gave me the "your call cannot be completed as dialed" message.. expatbrit
Thanks so much, Expatbrit.
I will modify the flyer sent to my Canadian "friends" with silentlambs' website address only then. (And mail them from Windsor
You're a luv!
i missed one day of the 2001 district convention.
i heard from someone seated nearby that, beginning in 2003, the theocratic ministry school will be newly formatted.
does anyone here know what that new format will be?
See LostMyReligion's Sunday Notes from the 2001 Convention.
Apparently a new TMS Guidebook has been prepared but must be ordered through the congregation?
i was stunned to see that one of our new posters doesn't believe that the society uses mind control on its members.
i think that the fact that they don't see it is evidence of just how deep the control really goes.
have they never read 1984 by george orwell?
And it is typical of apostates to blame their former "faith", for their predicament and for the victimizer to pretend to be the victim. / You Know
Apostates DO blame the WTS for their predicament and the WTS does pretend to be the victim!
here are some of the spiritual gems i gleaned from sunday's sessions.. symposium on book of malachi:.
points in which we can magnify jehovah.
do not be like priests at mal.1:13 to whom temple service was a burden.
Just wanted to echo the thanks above,
for your taking the time to post these notes.
So far, I think I'll only have to attend on Fri. PM -- to get a copy of the Isaiah -- Part 2 book.
Thanks to you I can avoid all the rest!
the following are ads to place in your local paper to help get the word out regarding molestation issues within the watchtower organization.
we ask that you do not add any further information other than what is listed here as we wish the message to be uniform.. any suggestions can be sent to info@silentlambs and will be considered.
1.. are pedophiles knocking on your door?.
I have made up flyers with #4 on it as enquiries into display ads on the local religion pages didn't seem very cost effective. (I am taking the suggestion by metatron into consideration, however. I didn't check classified prices.)
I spent some time yesterday morning and afternoon beginning a distribution of the flyers to the members of several local congregations and particularly to the elders. In fact, rather than just hitting the known JW's, I blanketed the entire neighborhood, in the hopes that
a) the neighbors will ask the JW's what this is all about, perhaps in turn provoking,
b) the elders and other jaydubs' checking the silentlambs website and becoming ashamed of the policy and determining to also make a stand.
In any event, it should serve well as advance publicity for the Dateline:NBC program.
I also posted and will continue to post these flyers on community bulletin boards at local stores. In addition, I am going to ask the local fast-food restaurants in the immediate vicinity of this year's District Convention to allow me to post a flyer on the window of their establishment during the convention week.
One other thing that I did have made up, but haven't decided whether or not to use, are two large banners reading www.jehovahs-witness.com and www.silentlambs.org to display on the front and rear windows of my car. I had in mind to go to the PUBLIC parking area at the convention site and just sit in my car with the banners displayed, refusing to move when the attendants [certainly] request me to leave. I would go very early in the day so as to get a good spot near the main entrance. I don't even need to be there all day.
Just each morning.
My only hesitation is whether or not I want to be publicly identified as the local apostate creating all the trouble or not.
I have, on another thread posted yesterday, suggested a blood drive to "Save Jehovah's Witnesses". It plays on the fact that Witnesses will use up immense quantities of donated blood to get the fractions they are allowed to use now, but they are still restricted from GIVING blood to the very system that helps them without prejudice.
Also, the local display ad rep, when she heard what the sugject of my ad was about, DID suggest that I contact editorial about an article to run concurrently with the local DC. So others might wish to pursue that avenue as Tina is thinking of doing.
In just a few hours work, I'll have had several congregations wondering what's going on and where this "attack" is coming from.
And I'm planning on widening out to as many congregations as I and my exJW friends can remember names and addresses!
Despite the good done by participation on this board, may I encourage everyone to think about how they, personally and locally, can further WT reform on these two vital issues?
brooklyn has really developed manipulation into a fine art.
you see, i didnt have any feeling of self-worth, so i could not imagine how jehovah could ever accept my service to him.. .
paul and all the other idiots that couldnt have a life because of the lack of time are now dead.
I was horrified the minute I read your first sentence.
I remember this article ! and the gut-wrenching guilt coupled with anger that it provoked in me.
I guess by then I was already recognizing that I could never, ever, do enough by Society standards, and so the effect that this particular article had on me was just the opposite of its intent.
I DID give up. Spent my time on more profitable things -- my family, my sanity! This was the beginning of the end for me (coming on the heels of the "new light" on "generation"!) and I declined to go out in freezing, wet weather for service OR meetings. The article was SO disheartening. Yup! I rebelled. (Still took me 6 more years to leave, though!)
Thanks for posting the excerpts and your analysis. It is important for lurkers and newer board members to see.