Welcome, Marty!
I lived in Palgrave from 1986-1993. Did you ever visit the Nobleton Congregation?
new guy from toronto.
just enjoying the posts.
i haven't been to a meeting in years, i was baptisted 1990. it seems like yesterday.
Welcome, Marty!
I lived in Palgrave from 1986-1993. Did you ever visit the Nobleton Congregation?
given your past life experiences and your current enlightenment would you ever get into that level of commitment again?.
The jury's out on this one.
I've been divorced a year now, separated for over a year before that, and lonely in my marriage for years before that. With my recent breast cancer, I'm shy about the thought of getting into bed with someone again -- even though I've only had a lumpectomy.
I don't plan on even beginning the dating game for a few years more, because I think my youngest child needs to be comfortable with his own sexuality before he will be comfortable with Mom's sexuality,
Also, my ex- is behaving very badly about living up to the terms of our divorce agreement, and it makes me very anxious at the thought of merging finances with anyone again.
That said, I am optimistic that there IS a man out there somewhere who will be delighted with the person I am and whom I will find delight in return and that we will be able to build a loving, joyful relationship based on mutual respect, shared interests and caring attitudes that will last until death does us part.
why have such a large family?
when we are out together we get questions like is this a school group?, are they all yours?, are you catholic or mormon?, dont you know what causes this?
these questions give us many opportunities to share with others the hope that is in us, that children are a gift from god.
Dugall family
Is this a typo or aren't they the Duggar family?
over the years here on the forum...i have read with interest many da letters.
brave people!!
not so brave.
WOO HOO!!!! Just wanted to add yet another "Well Done!!!" to this thread! Great letter, Cathy!
i can remember studying the isaiah books 1 & 2 back-to-back.
during this time i simply never wanted to go to the book study.
it was all so repetative and boring.
It would be quite funny to have a poster here take a recorder to bs and give an answer referencing the UN letter and connection. Make copies and hand them out to everyone in attendance. That would be hilarious.
I'm not up for attending a bookstudy, but I DO have a letter from the United Nations affirming the connection. Any volunteers?!???
german "akzenta ag" was founded by some jw elders.
it is some financial scheme (mlm) that many perceive as untrustworthy.
many of employees and clients (especially the first ones) are jw.. .
Boy, I wish my German was better! Any chance you could translate the article for us, GermanXJW?
The comments on the discussion board seem interesting, too, but I'm not sure I'm understanding everything.
Thanks for posting this. I trust you'll keep us up to date as the investigation continues?
Edited to because by the time I put my dinner in and came back, Quotes had posted the link to the Google translation. HOWEVER, it's really poor, because Google doesn't do syntax, so maybe GermanXJW will still attempt a better version?
i wrote this years ago now...and i will add an update to the end.. essie.
i believe it was about five years ago i wrote that.
there is no name on it so i don't know who wrote it.
Hi, honey!
Wonderful rebuttal poem! (The original story was already known to me.) It's nice to know that life has taken you far away from that awful time.
Here's hoping you're feeling relatively well and always wishing we could someday meet.
Love and hugs,
i wrote a letter to some personal friends in the congregation and enclosed the letter from the un.
i also wrote a short disassociation letter to four elders and enclosed the un letter as well.
i delivered them to the mailboxes and also mailed a couple.
Congratulations! It's been a little over 5 years since I did the same, and I've never regretted it. I'm glad you've got your friend Gladdy for moral support, too.
well i had my surgery on friday.
i don't know what i was so nervous about, it wasn't bad at all.
i'm a little sore but the pain meds help alot.
WONDERFUL news, liquidsky!
So happy for you,
hey everyone!
yesterday, may 15, 2006, gyldendal publishing company in copenhagen, denmark, published an expose' about the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
the name of the new book is, "dommedag ma vente," or, in english, "judgment day must wait," written by poul bregninge of denmark.
I very much enjoyed reading that chapter, Barbara! In addition to all the very important and intriguing information already commented upon, I just wanted to add that you and Joe look very good in that picture! Living in integrity does a body good, apparently.