IsaacJS2 --
The title of your theory intrigues me. I, for one, would love to read about it here on JWD. I was deluded into a form of certitude as a Witness, certainly. ;)
Just make sure your formatting doesn't all run together. (Which mine occasionally does when I'm using my mac to post!)
JoinedPosts by outnfree
My "Delusion of Certitude" theory about the WT
by IsaacJS2 ini think my essay is finally nearing completion.
everytime i think that, i find something else to work on.
but one section talks about my belief that they have (what i call) the delusion of certitude.
Door Sign keeps JW's away
by Wordly Andre inmy door sign actually keeps jws away!!
this past weekend while doing some house work i looked out of my front window because i saw shadows, i walked to the kitchen and looked out my side window, only to see two young brothers walking away.
one was about 19 and the other looked to be 14, i kind of wish they had actually knocked, im always prepared for them.
At my old house, I just had one of Silentlamb's "No Child Molesters at my Door" decals -- never had a call, but then again, I had DA'd. Service people who noticed the decal often asked, and I gave a fine anti-Witness.
In 10 years at my old place, I'd only had the Mormons come calling ONCE. And yet, there's a church in my old town and a fairly decent sized temple not too far, so one would think they'd be more active.... Do you think the decal deterred them, too?
Here at my new place, I have never been called on by anyone but the Baptist Church minister and his son. The church is right next door to the subdivision and they stop about once every six months to let me know I'm welcome there. No pressure. Just a little flyer with service times and a blurb about how Jesus loves me on it.
roflcopter -- I am ROFL at the Dog Food warning!
out -
I can't say it any better than the others above, but I agree that denying the reality of the Holocaust is not only very serious but extremely dangerous. I just thought it was important to weigh in.
:) out -
Nobody Noticed?
by Outaservice inafter all this time, i finally went over 1000 posts.
does a jedi master get paid any more than a newbie?.
outaservice .
Where's Blondie with those light sabers when you need her?! ;)
Congrats, outa!
outn -
GG/BG & OFG Sitting in a Tree.....
by OpenFireGlass inwhere the hell have i been?
ummmmmmmm... i've been in love!.
it's been so long i don't even know where to begin...... well... i guess it all began here at jwd... the beauty of it all, it that this is not a dating website, and the very fact that i was falling in love with a person whom i had no idea of her physical appearance... i was falling for her inner beauty and strenght to leave everything she knew to be happy, to live life.... i had finally met a person who understood me, and i could relate to her stories.... i had met my new best friend, but didn't know it yet... things progressed..... we emailed (which later led to unsolicited photos from her).... then exchanged phone numbers, etc..... then before i know it she had convinced me to purchace an airplaine ticket to meet her.
AWWWWWWWW! I haven't "met" either of you, but you two sure do look happy in those pics!
I wish you success in finding a way to conquer the miles that separates you.
out -
"Time Travel".........What time and place would you go?
by new boy inlets make it fun!...............if you could go anywhere in time but only have a 50% chance of survival (making it back to this time alive) would you do it?.
where would go?.
for me in would be the time of jeaus......... i'd would really like to know what the truth was about his ministry.
"Simply have to see how pretty you need to be to make political rulers act a fool." -- Only as pretty as Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky? ..... For myself, I, too would want to be assured to be rich, and THEN go back to Elizabethan times, perhaps be a lady-in-waiting, so I could see her political savvy up close and personal. Then again, rich and MALE, would probably be far less constraining....
Letter from my mom. What do you think of my response?
by reneeisorym ini invited my mom two months ago to my wedding.
she never responded and then today i get this.
what do you think of my reply?
Renee, I think you have to write the letter in your own style and that what you have written shows great maturity as a person and as a Christian. I agree with several other posters that the part about having a new family sounds more like the in-laws are going to replace your parents (and any siblings?) rather than that you will BUILD a new family who will love you for who you are. Maybe "build" could replace "have"? Good luck and best wishes for many blessings on your wedding day and beyond. out
The Tables turned
by teela(2) ini am a member of the quilters club.
we are fundrasing for the club by raffling off a quilt.
yesterday i decided to go "door to door" selling the raffle tickets in the neighbourhood.
The reply was the kind of reply I would make. Although I was a sister raising my kids as Witnesses, I would want to help "worldly" charities, so always used the excuse that the hubby was the one supporting them. LOL -- And look where I am now! outnFREE ... maybe there's hope for that sister?
My big day went very well
by iamfreenow inas many of you likely know, i was due to be baptised as a christian this morning at the baptist church i have been attending since just after i disassociated from the jehovahs witnesses.
this time, i remember it all.
we opened the service with "amazing grace", which is one of my favourites, and i noticed that my friends trev and linda were joining in the singing, somewhat to my surprise, especially trev, there may be hope for him yet!
Congratulations! -- it's nice to read about your commitment and great contentment.