MommieDark did not say "Witnesses cause all evil." That is hyperbole on YOUR part, and if you're honest, you will recognize that.
I haven't yet read the Anchorage papers and perhaps they DO have more insight on whether or not Pritchard's involvement with the Witnesses influenced his behavior.
I agree with you that cases like this are evidence of EXTREME mental imbalance. But I also agree with Loves that many unhappy or unbalanced people are attracted to the Witnesses in the first place, making the "we are the happy people serving our Happy God, Jehovah" line most certainly misleading at best, a downright lie at worst.
Yes, Pritchard is a VERY extreme case, but it is not so hard to follow his reasoning (if you're a JW!). If the children all die before puberty perhaps they won't grow up to be dirty pedophiles like himself (hence the attempts at castration?) and be doomed to die at Armageddon! -- OR -- If the children all die now, BEFORE Armageddon, they'll all have a chance at everlasting life, which they might lose if they grow up and commit fornication of some kind (visiting massage parlors?)
This man obviously HATES himself and is a pervert. He is NOT representative of all Jehovah's Witnesses, of course not! But to me, at least, these scenarios would never have entered his mind if he didn't love/hate children at the same time (love them because he has a sick attraction to their unspoiled innocence/hate them because he has a sick attaction to their unspoiled innocence) and wish to help them avoid the agony of his own miserable, conflicted existence by keeping them pure.
As the Watchtower Society promotes the distinct teaching that those who die before Armageddon will be resurrected to paradise on earth, the children are safer dead! Safe from Mr. Pritchard, safe from possible destruction later. From his point of view it's the kind thing.
Also, the confusion about bringing them "home" to Jesus? Well, he IS mentally unbalanced and this COULD BE a confusion with doctrines of Christendom. Nonetheless, Jesus DOES love the little children. And it IS Jesus who is coming as King to fight the battle at Armageddon and oversee Jehovah's Kingdom thereafter, so perhaps not.
I'm with Mommie: "His cult experience has fed his insanity in the most horrible ways."