Today's Watchtower Study "Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed" (Jan 15 issue p12) follows the same line of reasoning as the 1985 QFR.
It states in the section "Appointed by Holy Spirit" paragraphs 9 to 15
that the appointments are made by H.S. because:
1) The requirements were inspired by H.S.
2) When the elders meet to make recommendations of appointments they pray for H.S. to guide them.
My opinion is that they claim too much for themselves and so leave themselves wide open to attack as you are now able to do.
Another thing that this article does is to attack Christendom's clergy (what's new?) and, in effect, say that our elders are better than yours because they are appointed by H.S. Many Witnesses would take it as truth whenevr they read these attacks in the magazine. In truth, however, if they were to check for themselves, they would discover that the appointment of ministers in many churches is not much different from what the Witnesses have, and in many cases, seems to be closer to the first century model i.e. the congregation selected and this was confirmed by the travelling apostles. Note it does not say that the elders recommended. See for example, 1 Cor 16:3.
The previous sub-heading in the study article reads: "Theocratic-Not Democratic-Appointment". Again this is misleading. It paints a picture of the churches appointing their ministers by a democratic process. This is easy to gloss over in the metting, but stop and think: Which churches appoint their ministers by a democratic process? Are there many? What of the others then? Is it possible that they too can claim a theocratic process of appointing ministers?
Paragraph 6 reads : "Simply stated, a true theocracy is rule by God."
That is simply stated, isn't it? As TR and Simon have intimated, what is the link between Jehovah and those making the appointments, if by H.S.?
Another aspect to this is quite sinister. These guys so appointed actually believe that they were appointed by H.S. A bit like the divine right of kings. A poor result is the hardhearted attitude displayed by many of the elder class.
If you go to next week's Watchtower Study you will be able to hear the "heartwarming" study article "Keep In Step With Jehovah's Organisation". [8>]
Ozzie (grateful to be shepherded by Christlike servants)
P.S. one of the review question to this week's article says : "How is the Governing Body involved in the appontment of overseers and ministerial servants?" Look for the answer, it'll slay yer.