Yes, he has been fully diganosed with ADHD and bipolar. The school knows there is a problem, and they are kissing butt big time. I am not backing down and I have the law on my side. I wish I had the money to get a lawyer. I do have places I can call if I don't get what I need. I am just getting sick of the whole thing. Because it really comes down to the classroom teacher. Will that person follow the IEP's and all the modifications. This year the teacher has not. And he is no longer in her class. I can get them into alot of trouble for not complying with federal laws and actually doing what his IEP says. My main gripe now is the district is taking it's dear sweet time to get anything done. But at least he is getting some schooling as a teacher comes Monday -Friday for two hours a day and does work with him. they think they can wear me down, and I will do what they want. Fat Chance. Pam
Posts by pamkw
update on court
by pamkw inthe court thing was very interesting.
the judge remembered my son from before.
the first time he was in court the judge found him not guilty.
update on court
by pamkw inthe court thing was very interesting.
the judge remembered my son from before.
the first time he was in court the judge found him not guilty.
Two years ago in the spring, he was in a special classroom at the mental health center, and he got upset about something, and threw a chair and dented a plastic bookcase. Four people decided to try to hold him down, and he head butted a couple of them trying to get away. Holding him down made it worse, so they called the police. At the time I was told it was no big deal, they just wanted to scare him. I don't know where these so called 'professionals' learned their stuff, but they were not much help to him.
Last spring he was on his way to the time out room, in a rage, and pulled a typewriter off the table and let it smash on the floor. He had done worse in the time out room, but this time, they had him arrested.
This last time, they took him out of his math class because he had been 'bad' the day before, and then physically tryed to pull him into the isolation room. He elbowed someone trying to get away. Then he went in the room and threw a manic fit, screaming and yelling and using profanity. Then I guess he calmed down, and three hours later he mouthed off or something, no one will say for sure. And he does not remember exactly what happened (many bipolar people dont' remember what they do when manic), and they decided to call the cops. I guess when the cop told him to stand with his hands against the wall, Blake tried to run. Remember he is in a little isolation room. The cop put the handcuffs on him,and Blake had another manic meltdown, screaming and swearing,being disrepectful to the police, etc. ( I didn't know about this part until today).
I send him to the emtionally distrubed class so they can help him learn to control himself and to recognize when he is losing it. But they have not been any help to him. IN fact I have since discovered that he should not be in that room, as the behavior plans in place there really make someone with his problem worse. So I am changing his placement, or attempting to.
Really the school thinks the only answer to any problem is call the police. They seem to think it will teach him something, but he does not choose these behaviors, they just are part of his problem.
HE is not bad, he is mentally ill. Now I just have to prove it to them.
Thanks for asking.
Pam -
update on court
by pamkw inthe court thing was very interesting.
the judge remembered my son from before.
the first time he was in court the judge found him not guilty.
The court thing was very interesting. The judge remembered my son from before. The first time he was in court the judge found him not guilty. Last spring the judge told the county attorney to reconsider the charges.
This time as we walked up the judge said, "counsellor are you robbing the nursery?"
She stated that he had been here twice before and the charges had been dismissed. The judge then said, "they will be this time also, or something to that effect. She stated since he was 12 (will not be 12 until December) that he needed to do community service or something. I'm shaking my head no, while I am standing there. no way.
I asked the court appointed lawyer where a 11 year old can do community service? Where could I send him to do that service and know he was save? He replied "I'm not disagreeing with you." So since I would not settle, we are going to court again on Nov. 6th. Unless the country attorney takes the judge seriously and drops the charges.
I am getting some information ready for the lawyer about behavior and ADHD and bipolar disorder, so that it can be put in his file, and maybe this will stop happening.
The last time this went to court, the judge was very insulting to the county attorney's office and the school district.
I am also going to appear before the school board, to present to them alternatives to having kids with mental illnesses arrested. I don't know if it will do any good. But my son has 6 more years of school and this has got to stop.
Thanks for all the support.
Pam -
No internet after this weekend
by pamkw injust wanted to let you know after monday, i will not have internet for awhile.
since i lost my short lived job, i just can't afford it.
i can't afford anything right now.
I will probably go to the library too, as well as my sister's house. I wish I could find some little job, but right now Blake is at home, and I can't go look. It is so discouraging, because even if I get a job, once the school keeps calling because of problems with my son, who knows how long I can keep it. I am right now tackling the problem with the school district and my son's placement. Then after that is over, I am going to look for work. I can handle only one problem at a time. For those who are totally confused. My 11 year old son is bipolar and was in a special classroom for kids with behavior and emotional problems. The school had him arrested, and I lost my job. This isn't the first job I had trouble with because the school could not take care of my son. They have no idea how to handle a kid with Blake's problems. We go to court this afternoon over this last arrest. This school districts answer to every problem is have the kid arrested. I guess they want to scare him. I guess they don't understand you can't scare someone who may not remember what he did the next day. Because I was in training at this job, when I had to leave early I was fired. And now I am just lost as to what to do. I do have a bunch of professional advice (from a website for bipolar kids) so I am holding my own with the school district. Sometimes I wonder why I even try. Pam
No internet after this weekend
by pamkw injust wanted to let you know after monday, i will not have internet for awhile.
since i lost my short lived job, i just can't afford it.
i can't afford anything right now.
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know after Monday, I will not have internet for awhile. Since I lost my short lived job, I just can't afford it. I can't afford anything right now. I can't even look for a job until I get my son back in school. Right now he is doing homebound studies with a teacher two hours a day. Then of course I have to be able to find a job that will let me leave when the school has trouble with him.
During the last few weeks, this board has been the place I have came to, to get a laugh or to think about something besides the mess I am in. I will miss it, but I will check in from time to time at my sister's.
My oldest son is now in Alaska working in a fish processing factory. We kept in touch by email when he runs out of calling card minutes. I will miss that too. Who knows if he makes enough money, we may all just move up there.
Well, I will be around some this weekend, then who knows when I will get back.
Miss this place already,
Pam -
High School Days
by Dimples inhigh school is supposed to be one of the most memorable years of your life.
i had fun in my high school days, as i didn't become a jw until after i was married and had a child.
those of you who were born into the borg, your high school days must have been boring.
High school as a jw kid. Boring would have been nice. It was hell. I did go to dances, but never danced much. Everyone knew I was different. And I couldn't dress as nice (anything up to date.) I tried to go out of sports, but my mom and step-dad made it so uncomfortable I ended up quitting. My sister did play volleyball. My mom NEVER came to see her play. I went to prom because my grandma thought it was stupid not too. She probably would never have became a jw, if it hadn't been for my mom. My grandma always had questions and her own ideas. (she didn't shun me when I was df.)
I raised my oldest son 11 years as a jw, but I wasn't as strict because I knew how it was to be different. My youngest son has got to enjoy being like other kids as much as he possibly can. He gets to do all the parties and I let him try sports. With his bi-polar condition, life would have been awful if he was a jw kid.
I spend many years forgeting my highschool years. They were just too painful.
JW Teacher Tapes Students to Chairs
by blondie ini hope this is not a duplicate:.
posted on sat, oct. 11, 2003coral gables.
The bad part of all this is the kids are rarely believed. My son is 11, and right now not in school because the teacher is mean and verbally abusive. She even went so far as to call him a name in front of his case manager. Lucky for me, the case manager is not lying for her. I took him out of that class and am now fighting the school for another placement. She also restrained my son,and when he fought back and elbowed someone trying to get away, she had him arrested. Because she had him arrested, I lost my job when I went to get him.
I really hate teachers sometimes.
Who else is having a hard time with depression right now?
by czarofmischief ini'm a loonie, but it seems that i've been dealing with some pretty severe waves of depression lately.
her majesty the czarina went on prozac last month and it was working wonderfully, until suddenly last week she suddenly had a bad day, and then another, and then another... it's been a week now and we're both in the blahs.
and my one co-worker had an anxiety attack and is kind of blah now, too.. anyway, that makes three people i know of who are having a bad time.
Me too. It has been that way for a few weeks now. Pam
Do You Live For Today or Do You Focus On The Future???
by minimus inme-----i live to enjoy my life today.
tomorrow, i could be dead....and you??
I live for the moment. I try to enjoy whatever I am doing right now. The future never works out the way I expect, so I am trying to learn to enjoy the ride. And right now it is all down hill. Pam
Canadian U.N. Peacekeeping Soldier killed: Family Friend
by RAYZORBLADE inwhen i picked up the paper the other day, i read the news, and a plethora of material relating to the ontario provincial election.
i quickly skimmed through it, and went to my usual favourite sections.
but when i went to fold the newspaper back up, on the bottom half of the front page, were two photographs of two canadian soldiers.. .
I am so sorry. And here you have been writing me and cheering me up when you had all that on your mind. You are a great guy. Write me if you need to.