Topics Started by pamkw
End of a truly horrible week
by pamkw inhere it is friday, and i am soo glad.
i have been away from the computer for a while because my computer was in kansas with my sister and i am in alaska, working.
i came up here to take what i hoped was a great summer job.
Well, I guess it is my turn.
by pamkw ini have not been to a meeting in about 6 years, and no one had bothered me.
but that is about to change, my sister called me tonight to tell me the news.
my mom had called her to tell her that the elders wanted to know where i lived because they wanted to encourage me to come back.
update on court
by pamkw inthe court thing was very interesting.
the judge remembered my son from before.
the first time he was in court the judge found him not guilty.
No internet after this weekend
by pamkw injust wanted to let you know after monday, i will not have internet for awhile.
since i lost my short lived job, i just can't afford it.
i can't afford anything right now.
Stripping away layers of guilt-Couldn't have done it without JWD
by pamkw ini come here a lot, read always and post sometimes.
what i have learned from this board would take to long to write.
so this is a thank you to simon and everyone else.
I had thought I had gotten over all this crap.
by pamkw inthis has been a very bad couple of weeks for me.
i thought i was having a fairly okay relationship with my mother, and even though she was not happy with me not being a jw anymore, she seemed to live with it.
i have even recently been able to have conversations with my jw younger sister and not come away angry.
Ran into an old friend
by pamkw intoday at the store i ran into an old friend i grew up with.
we were both jw kids.
we both rebelled at the same time.
Coming through a dark time.
by pamkw init has been a long time since i have been on the board.
a lot of things have been going on in my life.
but i am finally able to see the end.
Glad I am no longer a jw parent.
by pamkw ini have been thinking lately how differently i raise my kids now as compared to when i was a jw.
my oldest son had the bad luck to have a mom who was trying to be the perfect jw single mom.
i. was really mean to him at times.