Elders in congregations do know what is happening, and they do nothing. My sisters and I were molested by my new babtized step father, and the elders blamed us, and our mother. And then told my mother that Jehovah hates divorces, so she could not leave him. After all he never had real sex with us, no matter what else he did.
There is all kinds of abuse in the wt. Wife beatings, child abuse, sexual abuse, and no one does anything. After all men pretty much get away with what ever they want in the cong. The jws are no better than the any other religion. They are just better at hiding it.
as far as one person against the other, you error on the side of keeping children save. Do what the public schools do, if there is even a hint of abuse you turn it in. If after an investigation, there is no substance to it, then good. But if there is truth to it, then one more child is saved from a horrible experience.
the wt lies and says that its people never do anything wrong, that they only love each other. That is the biggest lie of all.