2tired2care: how about Freia, the godess of marriage, bliss? Fr(e)iday?
Yes much more interesting, than that boring old curmudgeon Yahweh. No wonder the Isrealites had to seek alternatives.
many times (almost all the time) atheists asking for proof of god's existence from those who believe that god exists.
perhaps at times they should prove he doesn't exist.
any taker?
2tired2care: how about Freia, the godess of marriage, bliss? Fr(e)iday?
Yes much more interesting, than that boring old curmudgeon Yahweh. No wonder the Isrealites had to seek alternatives.
many times (almost all the time) atheists asking for proof of god's existence from those who believe that god exists.
perhaps at times they should prove he doesn't exist.
any taker?
I prefer the norse gods myself, happy Thorsday!
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
Some have argued that they are not evil, but how could the GB believe this nonsense themselves when there is no scriptural support for it and they themselves have stated they are not inspired? It stands to reason that they know it's false, and it's just to keep the wheels of the train on the tracks of their failed and false teachings as long as possible inflicting the most damage they can on their flock. To mislead people like this, instead of just saying 'we don't know', is pure evil. If these a$$holes burned to death in their new ivory tower, it wouldn't be enough.
i have been on this forum for a number of years now, and one thing that seems to be a persisting theme is the "battle" between atheists and believers.. what i have not understood is the extent to which the supporters of either side engage in showing their position to be the correct one...and in turn debunking and demeaning the opposing position, or in many cases, insulting the intelligence of the holder of opposing belief.
i guess the simple question is, why?
does it really matter, or cause harm to be a supporter of either side of the coin?
@Kate - I find the god battles entertaining during this stressful period of deprogramming.
I found this true in my case too, I found the raw, open, and honest discussions, very refreshing and a nice contrast to the guarded thought and speech control that we spent our lives as JW's being conditioned to conform to.
for me it is the smugness.
it's their inability and refusal to admit they are wrong....ever...even in the face of irrefutable evidence.
isn't pride a sin?
Their persecution complex, which makes it damn near impossible to get anywhere with them using facts and logic.
i have been on this forum for a number of years now, and one thing that seems to be a persisting theme is the "battle" between atheists and believers.. what i have not understood is the extent to which the supporters of either side engage in showing their position to be the correct one...and in turn debunking and demeaning the opposing position, or in many cases, insulting the intelligence of the holder of opposing belief.
i guess the simple question is, why?
does it really matter, or cause harm to be a supporter of either side of the coin?
tenyearsafter - I agree, lively or heated discussion, is no excuse for bad manners, and lack of civility; certainly I've been guilty myself of such behavior at times. You make a fair point about looking down at others, and I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I don't look down at people. I engage in such discussions because it's interesting to me, and I want to give voice to what I've come to understand, test my own perceptions, and not to talk or look down on others.
i have been on this forum for a number of years now, and one thing that seems to be a persisting theme is the "battle" between atheists and believers.. what i have not understood is the extent to which the supporters of either side engage in showing their position to be the correct one...and in turn debunking and demeaning the opposing position, or in many cases, insulting the intelligence of the holder of opposing belief.
i guess the simple question is, why?
does it really matter, or cause harm to be a supporter of either side of the coin?
The way that I see it, is that what you call a battle, I call an interesting and important discussion. It really is the most important discussion of our time in my opinion. At least for me I just see so much lost potential in society as whole being restrained by religious constructs which have tethered mankind from reaching its true potential. I see religion still trying to mix with politcs here in the U.S., people trying to get ID in schools, people like Rick Santorum trying to censor the internet. How can we move ahead as a society with thinking like this that pervades public office?
Hitchins and Dawkins, and other have started a movement to strongly push back against religion because of the socio/political, and lost potential it causes.
The discussion is important and it matters.
many times (almost all the time) atheists asking for proof of god's existence from those who believe that god exists.
perhaps at times they should prove he doesn't exist.
any taker?
Ditto on what Simon stated, it's not possible to disprove yet. Question: of what benefit is it, to worry about the existence of an abstract diety who refuses to reveal itself? Since it hasn't revealed itself, can we conclude that it's really up to us to solve our own problems in the world?
many times (almost all the time) atheists asking for proof of god's existence from those who believe that god exists.
perhaps at times they should prove he doesn't exist.
any taker?
Can you please define god better, for instance do you mean the personal god of love that the bible speaks of, or just a powerful mysterious force that set a chain of events in motion?
villagegirl's question on another thread was probably supposed to be rhetorical but i want to respond to it.. many times people of faith express similar misapprehensions about those who don't share their views on eternity.. i want this to be a positive thread.
an opportunity for atheists to share what moves and inspires them.
what do you live for, what gives your life meaning and purpose?
Inspiring post Cofty, the more I read from you, the more I’m humbled to be in the company of such great minds.
Since leaving the WT in 2012, I’m no longer tethered to the idea of a god that is going to hold me back; having the freedom to use my time to pursue what I want is wonderful. I’m still in the process of figuring out what to ultimately do with that freedom though and that is not easy.
For starters I’d have to say taking care of my family, helping others, living a good life, and striving to leave this world a better place in any way I can, gives my life meaning now. I also enjoy connecting with nature, taking multiday backpacking excursions into the wilderness, appreciating the beauty, and pondering the immensity of it all, and how I fit into it, is where I find some solace.
Additionally, there are so many possibilities, so many mysteries still be unlocked, and discoveries and breakthroughs yet to be made. You mentioned we are probably living in the greatest time in all of human history; I believe this is true too; we’re on the verge of a new renaissance. This time there is no powerful religion to squelch it either.
I am fascinated with science; one area that has me really excited is nanotechnology. The prospects of mastering this technology are mind boggling. I read everything I can get my hands on about this. This is a field that I want to pursue full throttle and hopefully contribute something to in my lifetime. In general I love learning, and now I have the time to do it. I started going back to college in pursuit of this, but I have so much to learn and a long way to go to get there.
I don’t believe the bible at all anymore but one relevant passage that always stuck with me from my days as a witness is this one from the account of the Tower of Babel:
“If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” --Rev 11:5
When people put the mythology aside, and put their minds to something, barriers are torn down, and great things happen, and I find that a very inspiring prospect.