St Louis Mo
Until 1987.
JoinedPosts by pandora
WHAT Kingdom Hall did Ya'll go to?
by thewiz ini was looking at another thread.
and was wondering,if i'm not being too forward, what kh did everyone here go to.. i used to go to the cranston kh in ri, usa .
by maxwell ini'm a jehovah's witness who's doubts about god have been kinda forced to front by some adulterous acts on my part.
i don't really feel the the jw's are dangerous presently, at least not any more than any other religion.
i do feel the urge to free myself from it and my marriage within the week.
Welcome Maxwell,
I will be looking forward to reading your story.
-P(J) -
My Crazy Mother!
by Ranchette inhere i thought i was going to get through the memorial season in peace this year.. how wrong i was!.
was this supposed to be a memorial invitation?.
yesterday i got an unexpected phone call from my mom.. i said hi and asked her how she was.. she said not very good.. i told her i was sorry to hear that and that i was concerned about her health problems and asked if she had had any tests done or gotten results.. she said no thats not why she wasnt doing well.. i could tell from the tone of her voice that this wasnt going to be pretty.. she told me that the reason she wasnt doing well is because the memorial was coming up,.
JT has said something I hadn't thought about before.
My mother is soo much like your's Ranchette. And I have been VERY angry with her over the years. But, as angry as I am, I still love her. She wasn't the BEST mother in the world, but she was MY mother. I don't want to talk about JW stuff, but I would like to have the option of talking to her. I don't want to take verbal abuse either, but I think I am strong enough now to act as Ranchette has and end the conversation should verbal abuse begin.
I think I will send my mother a card. Just to say I love her. She will be surprised. Whether it will do any good? No one knows. But I think it is a good Idea. I'll let you know if anything comes of it.
Thanks JT
-P(J) -
If you were to start a religion....
by KJV inif you could start a religion what would it be?
how would you go about setting it up?
what agenda would you have?
I know this is sad, but my major criteria is that, church services should be held in the AFTERNOON.
I gotta get my sleep DAMNIT!!!
I never got any as a JW.
-P(J) -
After JWs--NOW WHAT???
by Smoldering Wick inok, it's been four years for me since i left the jws.
i have been so busy trying to recover from the blow of leaving and losing friends, religion, a social group etc., that i haven't considered (too much) about what's next.
i mean, i've tried to be open minded and listen to other people's beliefs hoping that somewhere/sometime/something would click.
Smoldering Wick-
I have a friend (X-JW) who went into something similar to this. She found that it was what she was most comfortable with. I thought it was a Wicca thing, but what you wrote about sounds very familiar. It could be the same thing and I am just wrong on the wicca interpratation. Anyway, she has moved on since into something even more spiratual in nature and she is very happy with it.
As for me, the spiritual side of life has always intrigued me. The thought of using something other than the five senses. But I realized after looking back on my JW life, I never really believed,,, no, let me rephrase that. I always believed what they told me. But I never truely worshipped Jehovah. I grew up in the religion. I believed what they told me. But I never took Jehovah to heart. I know, that is kinda sad. I never made a relationship with him. I just lived by the rules until I was old enough not to. Sad thing is, I still believed. So, of course, that screwed me up for years to come. Anyway, there is a point here. In wondering, when I finally realized it was a load, what to do next, I thought of many different things and found that I didn't give a wit about most. I hated any kind of ritual, including church. My aformentioned friend spoke of ceramonies and rituals and offerings of some sort. I knew I could never carry through with any of those sorts of things. ( I sell Avon and can't even commit to their every other week meetings ) I absolutely hate the thought of having to be at meetings. But I am torn. I would love to find the commorodory found among church members. I love that big family. I have since thought about the Universal Unitarians. They seem to have the most liberal approch. See, I question the very existance of the Man himself. So they would except me. (so they say) But, yet again, there are meetings to attend.
As you see, I am not there yet. I just want you to know that you are not alone in wondering, and maybe not making the choice yet. At this point, the only thing I am sure of is that I don't think HE exists and if he does, well from all reports he is a blood thirsty bad man and I want no part of him. So where does that put me? Who knows. I have a good family now. I have moved past my blood family (most JW's) and am happy with the small family I have made for myself. I am happy knowing I control my destiny. Happy knowing some blood thirsty god isn't out to get me. I breath easy knowing that I live this ONE LIFE for myself and my family.
I may not know what orginazation I want to associate with or if I ever will, but as long as I put my family first I will be happy. I will never leave my family behind for anyone/anything. They are mine. Forever. For Always.Good Luck to you. You will definately find your true course. Don't settle for anything less than that one thing that makes you truely happy. Love yourself first.
-P(J) -
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger in
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
Yes atheists are indeed miserable, even though they won't admit to it, and they crave company.
Where did you come up with this statement? I don't usually have anything scathing to say to you because you simply spout JW drivel all the time. It's boring and usually I gloss over it, because that is all that it is worth. You at least speak of something you know.
BUT,, this comment is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
How DID you come up with this? You are obviously NOT an athiest, Mr JW.
This comment reveals a tad too much anger, now that I think about it. You were pretty calm in all your comments up until this one. I wonder just what makes you want to believe that all athiest are lonely and miserable.
I can tell you one thing. I am an atheist. And I have never been happier. I am surrounded by my family and lots of friends and never want for association. I am FAR from miserable.
Sorry to dissappoint you. But you are mistaken. -
Jehovah witnesses DESTROY happy families!
by D wiltshire injehovah witnesses destroy many otherwise happy families by their cruel and inhumane shunning.. the bryant families(ca.& or) are a very real example of how shunning as enforced by elders and the watchtower really messes up what could otherwise be happy families.. will those fat heads on the governing body ever stop and think about how their sad and tragic misuse of shunning has led to untold suffering for so so many people,.. people who they owe,... no, people who they should feel love and compassion for because they have trusted them with their lives.. there is all kinds of wickedness in this world and i think the governing body is right up there close the the most wicked by their use of manipulation though lies and guilt.
one day i'm sure they will be held accountable.. oh god please bring their own wickedness crashing back on their own heads, because they keep tearing your people to pieces with their lies and the shunning of innocent people, please bring their own form of wickedness crashing back on their own heads.. .
join the watchtower or you will die.. only jehovah's witnesses have the truth all other religions evil and from the devil.. you must beleive the watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really good news?.
I grew up a JW. You wanna know what I wished for most of all growing up? I wished that I had never known about 'the truth'. Because those who don't know, don't have to live this way, AND they have a better chance at living forever by the standards of the religion. How wrong is that? You are better off not knowing god. That is soo completely messed up. I can't put it into proper words folks, but you guys get the picture.
Did you ever feel like that?
When I got married, I would not talk to my husband about the religion that had thrown me out because I thought he had a better chance by not knowing. If he knew about it, he could choose against it and then die.
Man, I was soo screwed up.!
-P(J) -
entering phase 2...
by jeffory inthe last 3 year's have been like a rollercoaster ,,,the bubble that is life as a true believer has been burst, after nearly 20 years as an elder i declined to accept the position after my wife and i moved from the cong.
we had been with in seattle to another hall.. the consequences of rejecting a position further strengthened my view that life in the backassward world of jwdom is not an option anymore.
dec.4th 2001 was our last meeting, i had just had enough, haven't been back and won't go back.. these board's have been a real therapuetic event.the good,the bad and the ugly all post here.
Good Luck in your future.
I'm sure this phase will be the best phase yet.
-P(J) -
I'm in agony
by rem inmy wife just left me this morning.
i've been crying all night.
i am so drained.
My heart goes out to you rem. But believe what anne says. She is soo right. I left too. And it took me longer to see my mistake only because he put a lot of pressure on me. I am very stubborn too and the more he pulled me to him the harder I pulled away. It took me seven months. And it only happened because he finally let me go. It is stupid to have to go thru this and it wasn't perfect when we got back together, but now it is soo wonderful. I love him soo much and now there is no way I would ever leave him again.
There is hope. And I will be hoping for you with all my heart.
-P(J) -
What - if any - Religon are you now practicing?
by lydia ini know this seems like a dumb subject.. but i often wonder if many of us still believe and feel the need to worship - and not the borg either .
so here is a poll.... what religious orginization - if any - are you affiliated ( this does not mean you had to join it)?.
or - do you feel that everything is wrong due to the borg..and will you ever consider going to an organized religon again??.
When I first discovered the TRUTH about the 'truth', I believed there was a god, but wanted no part of organized religion.
With research, I questioned the existance of god, or maybe it is the need for such a blood thirsty god that I questioned. Either way I decided that I really didn't like the whole concept of god.
With all the blood baths sanctioned by such a creature, I really can't imagine someone with a love and respect for life choosing to WORSHIP such a being.
I mean, I understand being brainwashed into worshiping him, just like the many who were brainwashed into following Hitler. That, I understand. But having full knowledge and eyes wide open??? Just can't go there.
Well, anyway, I can say that I don't dislike the idea of congregating together, though. It is nice having a place you feel welcome, with many people to call friends. And, by far, the cheapest way to congregate is through some church. But, obviously that is going to be a little rough for ME to find, considering my curent belief structure. Add to that my desire NOT to get up before 10:30a on a Sunday and you realize why I haven't found that PERFECT congregation.
I think I will have to start my own church. First requirement: Meetings on Sunday don't begin until 2-ish.
You're ALL invited.