If only the anointed are to partake then only the anointed should turn up. That would skew their stats wouldn't it?
JoinedPosts by Teufel
Today's WT Paragraph 4
by Slidin Fast ini thought that this little gem deserved a thread of it's own.. 4. why is it important for us to be present at the memorial if at all possible?.
4 reflect on the importance of attending the memorial.
remember, congregation meetings are part of our worship.
Preaching From The Platform While Secretly A Satanist
by Teufel inhello one and all.. i've been a lurker on here for a few weeks now and i am finally starting to post on some threads.
a lot of the subjects that i wanted to talk about have already been covered so i wont bother restarting a topic that's been done to death.. im a 3rd generation, born-in, jw.
currently faded.
Lying is perfectly acceptable to Satanists, so that's also something to consider.
Well what sort of chance does that give me?
We're all individuals, it's not like we're in a cult where we all do, think and act the same way.
I've found Born Agains to be the ones who have no problem with lying as long as it furthers their agenda. You ever read those Chick tracts? http://www.chick.com/
Preaching From The Platform While Secretly A Satanist
by Teufel inhello one and all.. i've been a lurker on here for a few weeks now and i am finally starting to post on some threads.
a lot of the subjects that i wanted to talk about have already been covered so i wont bother restarting a topic that's been done to death.. im a 3rd generation, born-in, jw.
currently faded.
I've seen Satanists seem to have a fascination with death and the occult. Do you relate? I see you have the tarot card of death as your avatar.
Thanks knowsnothing1. Im not fascinated with death, but i am with the occult. But understand that i regard tarot cards, Ouija boards and anything supernatural as nonesense. But the history and folklore about such things interest me the same way comic books and video games interest other people. This confuses a lot of people, they don't seem to be able to get their heads around it. I even had a JW on my door though he "caught me out" when he said "you say you don't believe in the supernatural yet you own tarot cards!!" (the idiot).
The death card on my avatar is purely aesthetic. My fave card is actually "the magician" from the Light Visions Deck.
Preaching From The Platform While Secretly A Satanist
by Teufel inhello one and all.. i've been a lurker on here for a few weeks now and i am finally starting to post on some threads.
a lot of the subjects that i wanted to talk about have already been covered so i wont bother restarting a topic that's been done to death.. im a 3rd generation, born-in, jw.
currently faded.
So does giving into your desires mean that, if some day you woke up and wanted to go on a shooting rampage, you would? Or felt like cheating on your wife/girlfriend/S.O.?
Of the eleven Satanic Rules, two of them are:
- Do not harm little children.
- Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
Going out and killing people unless in self defense is something satanists abhor. As is harming children. Anyone who does these things would never be regarded as a Satanist and the Church of Satan expels and exposes such people publicly.
As for cheating on a souse or s.o, that's really ones personal business and i wouldn't tell someone to do it or not to do it. Satanism is all about YOU. In fact, Satanists regard themselves as their own God.
It's almost as if you're saying there's no right, no wrong. It's whatever you feel like doing. That's something I don't think most atheists would even believe in. I don't believe in all of the stupid restrictions Christians place on people.
Right and wrong are subjective. Yes there are things i think all people would regard as wrong such as murder, stealing and child abuse, but we don't need things dictated to us in order to be good or do good.
Personally i think murderers should be killed. As should child molesters, rapists and those who torture people. I sometimes get a lot of backlash for expressing that view but not one fuck is given. That's my idea of "right". Keeping such people alive, feeding them and keeping them warm and educated while their victims suffer the consequences and while homeless people still exists is, to me, wrong.
Questions To Ask JWs Who Are Shunning Their Relatives
by Teufel inwould you sacrifice your child to gain immortality?.
follow up with: but this is exactly what you're doing.
you hope to live forever, and are willing to cut off your own children forever in order to gain that prize.. if they say they worship god because he's their creator or because they love him:.
Would you sacrifice your child to gain immortality?
They'd more than likely say "no".
Follow up with: But this is exactly what you're doing. You hope to live forever, and are willing to cut off your own children forever in order to gain that prize.
If they say they worship God because he's their creator or because they love Him:
Why would you worship a deity that promises to kill your child?
Isn't that what the Ba'el worshipers were accused of?
This deity doesn't sound like a god of love and peace at all. He sounds like one of chaos and destruction.Why do you love this God?
They may say "because he made me".
To which you follow it up with:
But he also threatens to kill you unless you worship him. Is that something a loving parent does?
Preaching From The Platform While Secretly A Satanist
by Teufel inhello one and all.. i've been a lurker on here for a few weeks now and i am finally starting to post on some threads.
a lot of the subjects that i wanted to talk about have already been covered so i wont bother restarting a topic that's been done to death.. im a 3rd generation, born-in, jw.
currently faded.
Hi Teyfel. I have a question.
What do you mean by "what they'd want to hear, in this context?You know, like Jehovah being a god of love. 1914 being, like, totally true. This being a loving org.
Preaching From The Platform While Secretly A Satanist
by Teufel inhello one and all.. i've been a lurker on here for a few weeks now and i am finally starting to post on some threads.
a lot of the subjects that i wanted to talk about have already been covered so i wont bother restarting a topic that's been done to death.. im a 3rd generation, born-in, jw.
currently faded.
I have a question. Were you an Elder ? MS?
I was MS for a time. When i was a indoctrinated drone. But i came off before i woke up. Got fed up with being taken for granted for no appreciation.
No, but i've known a few who's attempted.
Preaching From The Platform While Secretly A Satanist
by Teufel inhello one and all.. i've been a lurker on here for a few weeks now and i am finally starting to post on some threads.
a lot of the subjects that i wanted to talk about have already been covered so i wont bother restarting a topic that's been done to death.. im a 3rd generation, born-in, jw.
currently faded.
I had someone from the Church of Satan trying to contact me a few months ago. Sheesh.
Seriously? We're not the proselyting type.
Usually i would say leak all the info you want, but in this case it's probably wise not to as it'll be traced back to the poor fellow.
Even if you did, i'd be careful who i'd hand out the login details to. Dont want it shared around to just anybody.