Yes cofty, its got a lot of views and kudos, but it's the same regurgitated stuff they've been saying for years. I didn't need to hear it again. It makes no worthwhile arguments and covers no new ground. In that sense, it is pointless.
JoinedPosts by Flat_Accent
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus
by d0rkyd00d inthere are two videos recently that caught my attention on youtube that i'd like to discuss.
both are posted below.
my next post under this topic will deal with the specifics, but please watch first so as not to be tainted by my commentary.
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus
by d0rkyd00d inthere are two videos recently that caught my attention on youtube that i'd like to discuss.
both are posted below.
my next post under this topic will deal with the specifics, but please watch first so as not to be tainted by my commentary.
Amazing Atheist won. ''But he swears a lot!'' So what, it doesnt detract from the point he made. Taking his statements out of context or completely making them up, bohm, is also a waste of time - we're talking about these two videos, nothing outside of that. Judgement should be made from these videos alone.
All Jefferson is trying to do is single out Christianity as the true religion. Look at how he starts his argument:
'Religion makes you blind, Jesus makes you see'
and how he ends it:
'Religion is man searching for god, Christianity is god searching for man'
This is just glorified, slick advertising campaign for Christianity. Saying that Jesus and Religion are two separate things is a completely idiotic statement. Jesus gathered disciples, and used them to establish a belief structure centered around him. It doesn't matter if Jesus said nicer things than Mohammed, they are both RELIGIOUS ICONS, and are worshipped.
Besides that, Jefferson himself admits to following all the tenures of Christianity, and pretty much encourages it:
'I love the bible, I love the church, and yes I believe in sin.'
There is nothing in this video that distinguishes Jesus as a separate entity from Religion, and you should be able to see that. Easily.
This video is completely pointless.
EDIT: I know I'm pretty much mirroring TJ's point, but It's worth repeating for those of you that stopped after the first 'F' word.
The music that moves you....
by FlyingHighNow inonce when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
Important - campaign idea
by Mickey mouse inwith the special talk entitled 'is it later than you think?
' coming up, wouldn't it be great to have some flyers made up and distibuted at kingdom halls on the day?!
can you imagine jws coming out to their car and finding this under the windshield?.
cofty, I think its the sunday right after the memorial talk.
Has Violence Declined?
by blondie in
I recommend his book very much! His talks are part of the reason I reconsidered the last days fallacy. It's also gotten me into several debates already with my JW family members =D
I am amazed at the ignorance............
by Night Owl ini read with great interest the evil spirits thread, amazed at the ignorance on this forum concerning the occult.. if you do not believe in the spirit world, you are certainly akin to toothless hillbillies.
good for moonshine making, cousin marrying and not much else.. both the usa and the russians continue to pursue the occult, following in the foorsteps of nazi germany.
they are not ignorant people, such as yourselves.. hopefully, you non-believers will slowly breed yourselves out of the population, since you are the ones holding back progress, with your precious "science" which is really bullshit in disguise.. so tell me, what separates you "intellectuals" from those so called ancient ignorants?
Look Night Owl, I don't know who you think you are, but you're certainly coming across as an asshole right now.
You seem to have a problem that some others do on this forum, in thinking that because they haphazardly escaped one dogmatic cult, they've accrued some vast knowledge and understanding about what real 'truth' is. No. We're all stupid. We're stupid enough for being drawn into that cult in the first place, and we're stupid enough to probably do it again. Yes, that includes myself.
Secondly, I don't know where you got the idea that the Government has some sort of monopoly on occult information, and they're 'pursuing' it, as if there is anything even remotely tangible in doing so. I haven't seen a worthwhile politician in the US or Russia for a long time, let alone an intelligent one. Politicians are as stupid as the constituents that give them office, many of whom are also tied down by ridiculous superstition.
Third, although it's very easy to critisize the tried and tested way of proving things, what makes YOUR method any better? How are you evaluating your information, through personal account and revelation, or second hand testimony? Neither of those 'evidences' can come to you without some faulty information, and often times these things happen without a second witness.
If there is a supernatural dimension out there, once it can be assessed and proven, it will no longer be supernatural but natural, because it will be part of the natural world, and can be tested, reviewed, and used to further our understanding of the universe.
That's what I thought, but I figure it must be a global message they've sent out regardless of the probability of disaster. They're just trying to scare those wavering witnesses back into servitude.
Well cantleave, if you tie that in with fatfreeks new light on this issue, we may be needing EVEN MORE toilet paper this time round.
^bad post so i'll try again
I got into a slight debate with my dad the other day, and of the range of issues we were talking about, he brought up 5 times that the 'society are preparing us, they are telling us to prepare for the end.'
Later that same day I was going into the kitchen and my parents were discussing what to buy in case of an emergency - things like canned goods, lots of water etc. I asked them what the sudden rush for buying emergency goods was about (we live in England, very few natural disasters here). My mum informed me the Society had told them to have preparations in case of emergency.
Obviously there's an e-mail or a letter that has gone round the congregations recently, so I'm interested to know what you have heard from your Witness relatives and friends about this new fear-mongering tactic?