Once again Shepherd steps into the fray.
Do what i did months ago shepherd ring the actual court on 03 5116 5222. They told me the web location to see the upcoming hearing list for the 5 cases. The daily hearing list is held only for the previous day then no longer searchable.
Here is a link to a pdf of printout from the Latrobe Valley Magistrates Court i printed on the 19/12/2011
Easy enough for a JW apologist like shepherd to make credibility attacks on people seeking to expose the WTS.
I received another two letters today from Victorian Parliment members.
Dated 17/2/2012 Victorian Treasurer Kim Wells MP Thanked me for letter.Agreed the case was disturbing and forwarded my letter to the Victorian Attornry General for comment.He will be seeking a comment from the AG.
Dated 20/2/2012 Shadow Minister for Crime Prevention and Anti-corruption Jill Hennessy. Thanked me for my letter.She also finds abhorrent any form of violence against children.
I will write to her with my dis satisfaction with the DPP and ask her as the Shadow minister for anti coruption to please make enquiry into this debarcle.
Just because Steven was gazumped by the DPP doesnt mean he is questionable.Friends dont turn on friends. Very unshepherd like conduct.