It has been a little while since i have read WTS stuff and bloody hell why dont they just get to the point rather than waffle shit to fill the page?????
Guess its years of practise to fill 32 pages x 3 each month now.
"rejecting or trivializing the genesis account about adam and eve creates a domino effect that undermines nearly every major teaching in the bible!
such a way of thinking leads to a host of unanswered questions and a faith with nothing to stand on.".
footnote: "these include teachings about gods sovereignty, human integrity, good and evil, free will, the condition of the dead, marriage, the promised messiah, a paradise earth, gods kingdom, and many others.".
It has been a little while since i have read WTS stuff and bloody hell why dont they just get to the point rather than waffle shit to fill the page?????
Guess its years of practise to fill 32 pages x 3 each month now.
you might be a jehovah's witness if .
you know when nisan 14 is but you forget you own birthday.
you wash windows for a living but you own five suits.
If you believe a little group of not so old men can make decisions for God and you MUST accept it then your a JW.
our daughter's school is having a blood drive today and me and mrs. babycheezits thought about signing up.
it's been on my bucket list i just haven't done it yet.. .
just curious if many members of jwn have donated?.
this has been on my to do list and i just gotta get past the anti blood programming i received for 40 years.
i have given full organ donation authority so in the event of crash/death they can have whatever they like....i just ask they donate my eyes to Stevie lame joke.
it's very rare that i visit this site these days and even rarer that i start a thread, but ever so often i see a comment so outrageous that i just have to respond.
in a thread entitled "are black people more emotional than white people", the op made the following comment concerning the lack of "black people" in australia:"we have the australian aboriginal people butthey are a different race more related to white people i beleive.
" the bad spelling and grammer isn't the only thing wrong with this sentence.
yes and they cant become an electrician!
Full colour vision Az
last week as i listened to the public talk, i noticed.
that several times the speaker referred to the watchtower.
as the source of authority.. he said that "in the july1, 1980 watchtower page 15. paragraph 4 it says".... it is like he was looking up a bible.
nananananannnnaaa do you realize you are in danger of being an apostate! yep when the schmelders meet with you in the back of the hall they will wonder why you posted 24 times as of now. tisk tisk as they shake their heads and DF you as an apostate. Quik nana pray to the GB that this doesnt happen and you may be saved to sell more books in the future. hurry the days are running out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's very rare that i visit this site these days and even rarer that i start a thread, but ever so often i see a comment so outrageous that i just have to respond.
in a thread entitled "are black people more emotional than white people", the op made the following comment concerning the lack of "black people" in australia:"we have the australian aboriginal people butthey are a different race more related to white people i beleive.
" the bad spelling and grammer isn't the only thing wrong with this sentence.
Yep i have a bit of red in my goatee so ive got neanderthal in me.
I think the Aussie aboriginee are very striking in apperance and i just wish they had been able to withstand the european invaders and received a better deal than the shit treatment they have been given.
Australian Az
last week as i listened to the public talk, i noticed.
that several times the speaker referred to the watchtower.
as the source of authority.. he said that "in the july1, 1980 watchtower page 15. paragraph 4 it says".... it is like he was looking up a bible.
blondie i have found the Watchtower speaks volumes by its silence on some of the closer to the mark religions than themselves.
Typical MO of schmelders. Wipe their hands after DF a person. Talk shit as if its an act of love..
Not good if he had say poisoned the Scotch but to place children in harms way is evil.
last week as i listened to the public talk, i noticed.
that several times the speaker referred to the watchtower.
as the source of authority.. he said that "in the july1, 1980 watchtower page 15. paragraph 4 it says".... it is like he was looking up a bible.
Good observation guys.
The Mormans have the bible but always refer to "The Book of Mormon"
Jehovah's Witnesses have the bible but are giving greater reference to "The Book of Watchtower".
At least the mormons got it in one go JW's get it as pulp fiction!
In any of its publications you can substitute "Gods Will" with WTS or GB because thats what they really mean.
''well there's one thing you got ta ask yourself felling lucky...well do ya punk".....clint eastwood dirty harry.. "it's life jim but not as we know it" capt kirk star treck..
"i dont believe in the beatles.i just beleive in mee" Ferris Bueller quoting John Lennon