The day the Society states that its teachings hold precedent over the Bible will be the day that 99% of Jehovah’s Witnesses leave off association with the Society. I fully realize that that latter statement can be countered, but I don’t think successfully so; at least I’ve never seen it.
We all know that the Society would never state such but consider that people like you have been writing the Society for a long time proving with sound reasoning and solid arguments that the stand on blood is not Bible-based (or lacks sufficient proof to make it doctrine), that the 607 BCE date lacks solid proof, that alternative civil service should have been permitted over 15 years earlier, etc. etc. ect.
We have seen that within a relatively short period of time changes can happen to organizational policy. (ie. Jimmy Swaggart case/donation arrangement).
The fact that concerned individuals have written respectfully using such sound scriptural argmentation for change and none has been forthcoming or it has taken so many years at the suffering of so many shows that they uphold their understanding over Bible truth.
I won't go into the Walsh case, but what further evidence does one need to show that we kick out individuals who could have the true understanding, just to preserve unity until we are forced to make changes. And that is what is happening these days- forced changes, by Governments, "apostates", and thinking Witnesses.