Just picking up on Terry's point from pg 1:
I use the word UNIVERSE to mean absolutely EVERYTHING which "exists". Others do NOT.
In religious discussions, for example, people tell me that God is...OUTSIDE...of the Universe.
This, of course, has absolutely no meaning for me. Wouldn't "everything" also INCLUDE God???
Fair enough, but in that case surely it is necessary to have another word to describe that portion of the universe to which we have potential access in an observable sense. If dimensions exist that would remain outside of our scope of knowledge no matter how much scientific progress we made, would that still constitute part of our universe? If so then don't we need another word to encapsulate everything that we could ever be consciously aware of?
Or if the multiverse truly exists would you object to talking about "other universes" on the basis that the singular term universe must by definition already encompass them? If so then we would surely need another term to describe that part to which we ourselves have any reference.
Just a thought.