A Chicken Story, by Anthony Morris the Third
by cedars 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So the chickens did not die and everyone lived happily ever after!
That's some blessing for that family.
Although it doea make me wonder why an elderly sister had a heart attack and died at our DC last year.
Who's going to look after her chickens?
That is just so freaking stupid... So they were gone for 7 days and had no one who could feed their chickens???
Also, Jehovah made the chickens have some more sex so they could pro-create more for these folks? This makes less and less since the longer you are out.
How about instead of 60 chickens he gets them some nice neighbors who will feed their chickens next time
That is just hilarious.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
What a stupid story. Jehovah protected chickens from disease? Just look around at any JW crapvention and you see a large section of special seating for the sick and handicapped. Jehovah will protect a flock of chickens from getting sick, but he lets a crowd of dubs fall prey to everything from acne to cancer to hepatitis. Lucky chickens, eh?
sosoconfused - "Jehovah made the chickens have some more sex so they could pro-create more for these folks?"
Seriously? He basically said that? (I didn't watch it)
So the moral of that story is: Jehovah(corporation sock puppet) protects chickens even big chickens like Tony the Corporation run and hide from those that know more than him door to door from salesman.
He had to wait for an anticipated hand clapping show of aproval towards the end as every one in the audience didn't get it and were probably thinking WTF. But finally the appause came and Tony made an admission that they couldn't say what Jehovah did or didn't do(I guess their sock puppet Jehovah routine might be wearing thin with this crowd or perhaps there is a limit as to what the sock puppet can be made to say or do in his corporation's guide lines, or Tony made a Freudian slip).
The Quiet One
Cedars-- Regarding the "we have truly seen jehovahs hand" article you wrote.. Excellent work, well written and concise. I felt moved by it, without feeling controlled/led. Can I offer one small criticism, though? (please don't take it as an attack). This line.. "Likely, you would not want to speak to a Jehovah’s Witness again for the rest of your life, and nobody would blame you for feeling that way."... Not only does it seem, to me, a bit unnecessary, you could just leave the question of how the family could feel hanging and let the reader use their imagination.. but maybe it could also sound like you were telling someone how they would feel.. It could just be me and my lunacy, its just that when I read that line, it set off Watchtower alarm bells in my head..you know..'no doubt you would feel'.. and then they tell you how you would/should feel. Anyway, maybe I'm just crazy, great article anyway :)
I'm embarrassed for them.
Went to convention lost 19 chickens , later got 60 we don't know if Jehovah did anything...
Good story , really makes me realize what I'm missing at the conventions.