OK, let's beat this dead horse again.
For those of you who live in the US, may I respectfully suggest you get out a copy of the US Constitution and read the damn thing?
We have something in this country called freedom of the press. That allows this type of book (or books/movies/audio tapes on other controversial topics) to be written and sold. That allows you to criticize the writer, subject matter, and the company selling it. That's been done.
A similar fracas has been raging in the Science Fiction Bool Club regarding sexually explicit books and those with lots of obscenities. In the latest newsletter, Senior Editor Ellen Asher says in all honesty she doesn't like some of the books offered, BUT the club isn't her private toy. Some people like to buy them and/or aren't offended by them.
My point? Is anyone forcing you to buy this book all of you have objected to? No. Are you forced to look at it? No. You've told Amazon you're appalled by it and threatened not to shop there again. Do you honestly think they didn't anticipate this kind of reaction from some people? This is one of the risks of doing business anywhere. The market rules.
Sounds to me like some of you feel the world should reflect your personal morality as far as the books we can buy or read, the movies seen, the information available to people, in a nutshell. Dub thinking. "We'll tell you what's best for you to read or think about."
And if somebody here's going to do one of those "Don't you have any sympathy for the victims of child abuse?" responses, I'll say if you have to ask, after reading other posts on other topics by me, you really haven't quite as good an ability to judge character as you thought. Yeah I care. This isn't the proper way to help the victims though. Prosecute the guilty. Bring them to the public's attention. Sue for $$$. Work to make the shameful practice of child molesting history as much as possible.
You don't have to buy this book. You never have to patronize Amazon again. By the same token, don't accuse anyone who does order a book from them after today of supporting purveyors of pedophilia materials. They aren't a one-interest outfit like NAMBLA. They might even sell gospel CDs. Or hunting magazines. I don't shop there so I don't know what all they offer.
Conclusion: I don't like it that the book exists. (BTW, why not write to the publisher and let `em know you're gonna boycott them from now on, too? Every other title they publish from now on. Also UPS or FedEx or the Post Office because they'll deliver copies of it. AND your Internet Service Provider because you can access Amazon's site through them? Don't forget your phone company if you log on via phone lines. And your PC maker as well.) But I'll defend Amazon's right to sell it. Because the "we will protect you" ethos of censors scares me far more than the existence of a book I wouldn't read anyway.