Kingpawn- A bunch of speculation is not evidence .
What would satisfy you? A UFO lands on your front lawn, and the crew allows you to poke around it inside to your heart's content? If you demand absolute proof of something, in a bit I'll list several things that you accept without question but have never seen.
I don't care what anyone claims to have seen .
When airline pilots, military personnel, police officers-- people whose word would be taken automatically when testifying about anything else --relate stories of seeing, hearing, or experiencing strange things during UFO encounters, I really think their testimony should be given a lot of credibility. Or did they just happen to be hallucinating at that exact same time?
They proved even the hokey alien autopsy film to be a fraud .
Well yeah. I mean when the guy who produced it is being interviewed, and he's grinning from ear to ear, the only thing I can think he's thinking is, "Boy, the money I'll make from people buying this crap!"
Evidence is something tangible something that can be examined in a laboratory with scientific scrutiny .
You know for a fact that had you used (and explained) a flashlight in Salem Massachusetts around 1691 you'd've been burned as a witch. The reality of that physical phenomena hadn't been discovered yet, but they would've said only a practicer of the Black Arts could make a wand glow like that. Could you have gotten Edison to believe the reality of the atomic bomb? How could you have "proven" these to their satifaction?
You believe in wind, magnetism, electricity, gravity, and centrifugal force. No one has ever seen these things. They have seen and/or felt the effects of them, but never the things themselves. Ipso facto they don't exist.
With all the countless sightings we have nothing to show for it .
We have documented accounts of the aftereffects on people, our mechanical devices, and animals from interacting with UFO's. Medical complications from what appear to be exposures to radiation; puncture wounds (sometimes under clothes when the clothes themselves haven't been ripped; burns; notches in trees from collisions between flying craft and trees; animals disturbed to violence by the flight of a UFO (Incident at Exeter, by John Fuller), and so on.
For example: one effect of UFO's on cars has been that when the two are close to each other, the car's electrical system fails. Most scientists wrote it off as hooey. Dr. James Campbell was able to create conditions in the laboratory that duplicated the effect precisely. How? By ionizing the air (giving it an electrical charge).
Electrical current will always follow the path of least resistance. The insulating ability of air helps make sure the current from the battery goes through the system as needed to start the car and keep it running. But ionizing the air reduces that resistance, allowing the current to go to ground and bypass the starter, etc. So if UFO's exist, and this often described effect does occur, science can give a rational explanation as to why. His experiments are described in Phenomena: Forty Years of Flying Saucers, a collection of essays on the subject by both believers and skeptics.
I used to love that show the project bluebook and they never claimed to have such evidence.
Blue Book was the effing government! You expect them (let alone the show based on BB) to cop to having proof? George Bush won't even do that yet he seems determined to believe Iraq poses a threat to us, but he won't say why!
It seems only the skeptics are interested in the facts and not fairy tales.
Someone who believes in, say, evolution rather than creation...aren't they putting just as much faith in the idea that somehow, elements on Earth somehow combined to form the building blocks of primitive life, as a creationist does in the idea of intelligent design of life? Yet from each person's POV, the other person is a skeptic to what each sees as the "obvious truth."
Besides, does it hurt a person to speculate on these things? Unless someone has become obsessed, or has a major personality change, or something like that, who's hurt by it? A waste of time? Maybe, but the same could possibly be said about television watching.
Rather than hijack the thread even more, I'll stop after your response. We won't change each other's minds, and before this turns into a flame war, can we have a truce? Agree to disagree and all that?
Taken sounds like an interesting show. Kinda makes me wish I'd seen the opening episodes now. So now, BTTT.