The people who are more susceptible to these type of superstitions, are the same people who will probably believe anything that the Org tells them. They are the ones without critical thinking, the blind believers.
Actually i remember my parents telling me that they knew some people who thought their house was possessed so to resolve this, they went through every object inside their house which was given to them by different people, and took all of the ones who seemed the most suspicious and burned
Supposedly, that took care of
The more i think about this issue the more i believe that there is certainly a correlation between how evolved someone is, and how prone one is to believing this type of nonsense. Just look what people believed in 150 years ago, and 300 years ago, and 1000 years ago. They believed in the most incredible things with very little critical thinking. The more evolved as a person you become, the more rational you are.
My dad still believes that you can't get a haircut after matter how much i tell him that it's nonsense.