Yea, but what did you say when they told you to "F**K OFF!"
did you reply "As I like both sex and travel I will sir" ?
someone tweeted today: "a jehovah's witness who is shy to people at the door.
those few words paint such a sad picture.
how many jws with little self-esteem and self-confidence, particularly born-ins who have never known anything different, are sent out into neighbourhoods to knock on the doors of strangers and speak to them, knowing the householder resents them being there?
Yea, but what did you say when they told you to "F**K OFF!"
did you reply "As I like both sex and travel I will sir" ?
this has been on my mind for some time,,reading coward's book on jungs and eastern thought were he talks about jung's model of enlightenment and the kundalini rising up the chakras.. but after reading this book and several others i come to think that it is a sort of waking up and uniting with the self that is at the very center of our existence and in fact the core of everything, the center which is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere, to borrow a phrase from the mystics about the sacred geometry of a sphere.. i think of it as a painful and rewarding process,,at least that's the way i see it now.
hey what is the purpose in life anyway?
i think jung says to reach a measure of wholeness, or making as much of the unconscious conscious,(a dangerous process which is sorta like out in a boat fishing in a big sea, fishes(unconsciousness) being brought in the boat(consciousness) can become too big or too many and the boat sinks(schizophrenia).. .
Thanks frankie, I had heard of Pauli, but only his famous bon mots, I had not troubled to read the article before, what a fascinating guy,
and still making us think !
i just realized i am starting my 8th year on jwn- am i getting long in the tooth , yet?.
It is a bit like an English village here, if you move in to such a village, all "old maids 'cycling off through the mist to church", you are a newcomer all your life, your children born in the village are not newcomers, but come down the pecking order from kids whose family has been there for (overlapping) generations.
It's not quite that bad here, but I think, having read many old threads, we are conscious that we are "standing on the shoulders of Giants" , Gary Buss, Hillery Step,Little Toe, Alan F, and many many more were all so good at exposing the WT teachings and thinking as being defective and wrong, and that many of the thoughts of those just on the cusp of leaving, or just left, were muddled too, they guided a lot of people to a better place.
Thankfully we still have some great thinkers on here, I won't mention names , except one, Leolaia, she is a great thinker and a great scholar, we are blessed that she, and the ones I have not named,(for fear of forgetting someone), still grace us with their presence.
i feel the title is an attention-grabber, but in no means am i looking to start racial tension on jwn.. i know in the past, at least to the 50's from what i've read, the watchtower society has been very demeaning toward people of a less alabaster pigment.
in one instance saying white people were superior and god blessed them that way for good reason.. however, i have not been able to find an official statement from them in any of their printed works that either clears up or apologizes and further corrects that bold standing.. so, to those much wiser than me, is there an official statement from the watchtower identifying people of different race as equal?
and if not, to the ex/current brothers and sisters who are of an "ethnic" background, what are your feelings on the society's derrogatory statements being left unchanged 60-100 years later?.
I have a distant JW relative who comes from a black family, it was she who drew my attention some years ago to the fact that the GB were (then) all white, and in our JW District, all the speakers on the DC programme were white, despite the fact that our district was made up of mainly black African and West Indies bros and sisters ,and other ethnic groups.
I had not registered this overt racism before, and it upset me, I was brought up believing that the whole world were one big family, ethnicity was not important, we were all fellow humans.
The policy gradually changed, and eventually a good number of the capable bros. from non-white backgrounds were used, but even this seemed to be in a grudging way, first of all you only got a black guy doing the "Experiences" bit, or the day's Text, the big boys talks were still for whiteys.
It was when I came on here that I discovered about all the racism of the past, and the disgusting comments in the WT publications, like the one that black people would turn white eventually in the New System.
What a misnomer New System is, hardly new, we have had bigoted fascist racist arseholes in the old system for too long, the WT wanted their paradise to be like that, sick.
i do not consider myself religious in any way.
i do believe in "god" and i think i am a spiritual person to some degree.. what about you?.
I am exactly as our dear friend Cofty, ( see his post above ) I wonder though, Min, what you are thinking about more lately, and what you mean by spiritual ?
i can recall sometime ago in the 60`s 70`s or theirabouts,it when they first printed their own songbook must have been before the org.copyrighted their material,and the reason they did that is because some brothers were stealing the tunes ?
maybe modifying them and passing them off as their own for commercial gain?
( i know some of you are going to say wtf ?
Someday my prints will come ? I thought that was the Kodak song.
I was given a tape in the 70's where an American bro had reworked the Kindom songs, don't know if he sold it commercially though.
i just want to know out of interest how many here still believe in god and christ and that the bible is god's word.
my faith in the wts is gone but i still love god and his son.
i've noticed that many here have lost their faith in god as well as the wts.
The monotheism of the Israelites was a fairly late phenomenon, after the exile in Babylon. It is so easy to read it back in to the early history, but that history itself is doubtful as to its accuracy, and therefore, we have to ask, why did they go for just one god when they "returned" from Babylon.
Perhaps it was the same motive as that of Muhammad, he chose mono-theism as a political tool to unite the tribes of the desert.
recently i have an obsession with past times, i guess it's called middle aged or old aged, anyway.. i'm sure anybody out there remembers people from their childhood or growing up and thinks not a lot about it.. i remember some good jw buddies and here's an ode to them.. i met one outside a local cafe, and we stopped and looked at each other for 45 seconds, or what seemed like forever.
because we lived in each others pockets and we got on so well.
we would sit at our ibm 286 pcs and play wing commander to the late hour, and there was no internet.
I had many who were good to me, they were good people, they were conditional friends of course, not their fault, mind control.
I don't know why, but I really don't miss them. (?)
There is no void because they are gone, maybe because the true friends I still have, most of whom were never JW's, are still my friends, and I make new friends all the time.
many of you may know that i was brought up a witness and stayed in until the age of 42, even reaching the dizzy heights of being a congregation elder.
i was unusual in that, even as a witness i studied to degree level, on a part time basis, sponsored by my employer.
my first was in chemistry and my masters is in business administration.
Ucantnome, I hope I have not hurt you or made you feel bad, that was not my intention at all, indeed ,as we are strangers ,my comments are not a personal attack on you.
I just get frustrated with some believers on here who insist that their "beliefs" are "true" when they have nothing to back them up, O.K believe what you like, is what I say, and carry on, but don't expect those of us of a rational bent to go along with what we see as nonsense.
But please don't leave this place, you will find sympathy, support and help here, so many of the good people on this site have gone through the same as you, or similar, and their experience and thoughts can be so helpful and uplifting, you will lose that if you leave.
i went to the nearby 7-eleven on my lunch break to get a fountain drink and i happened to bump into some people from my wifes congregation including brother hero and brother sidekick.
brother hero was the guy who conducted a bible study with me using the bible teach book (my god, i have been around the witnesses and former witnesses too much as i even know the cult speak and book name abbreviations).
during our study he began bringing over another brother from the congregation who i began referring to as brother sidekick.. i found out from my wife that brother sidekick is the son-in-law of one of the elders in that congregation.
The 1919 choosing is the basis for the authority to teach and lead 7million, I am just wondering, if your F.I.L was not aware of this, what did he base his decision to be a JW, and continue as one, on ?
The point is, whatever his reasons were,and are, if 1919 is not true, then his reasons are based on the claims of a bunch of liers.