The "Devil" does not appear in the Eden Story, this Story was plagiarised from a Canaanite/Sumerian one, the Devil is not in their religious thinking.
"the satan" only came in to Israelite religious thought while the Exiles were in Babylon, and came from Zoroastrian ideas prevalent in Babylon, along with other new Spirits, such as Angels and Demons, and other new religious ideas.
Hence Judaism was born, a very different religion form that of the pre-Exile Israelites.
On the Thread subject, the J.W org have an almighty cheek in putting on the cover a Pic. of the "Prodigal Son", how does ANY of the J.W Practice of Shunning and DFing fit the lessons of that Parable ?
Massive Liars and Hypocrites all, the J.W Org.