IMHO it depends upon the BOE and their attitude, Apostasy is the BIG NO NO, I wouldn't get caught doing that, but carefully check their definition in the Elders Handbook.
I don't think in their minds seven years is long, and they view us as lifelong J.W's if we are merely "faded".
I spoke to an Elder last year, he was reminiscing, as we had known each other for many decades, I have been out far longer than you, and yet in the conversation he said to me : "You are a Jehovah's Witness" !! I am an Atheist/Humanist not some religious nut-job, but it shows how they think of us. There seems to be a slight danger of being D.F'd even two decades or more after you left.
Just be careful, there is no need to put yourself in their power, but there is no need to keep looking over your shoulder. I Vote, Donate Blood, Smoke and dress in a very Worldly way, I don'r care what they think. I live my life now as if I were never a J.W.