I don't know why I always have a little hope that maybe some of the brothers in my previous congregation would realize this is bullshit. Some others would definitely eat this up but for a certain few I know they have the potiential to do a quick google search.
JoinedPosts by Godsendconspirator
Convention new book reveals "GROUP 2" of the 1914 generation...the horror.
by Witness 007 ingods kingdom rules!
the convention book released yesterday....say hi to group 2 of the 1914 generation!!
a graph shows group 1 being fred franz john barr etc...with a group 2 consisting of the current young faithful slaves we "met" the "group ones.
JW Info-Commercial Memorial Service
by William Penwell ini attended a jw memorial service about 2 years ago and the speaker i thought gave a good eulogy to the diseased even though he quoted a few scriptures.
just recently i attended another jw memorial and the sermon was about 10 minutes on the person and the rest a big info-commercial with a scripture quoted one after the other.
i did not keep count but i would think the speaker read about 10 - 12 scriptures.
The first funeral I went to when I was studying was for the mother of an elder. The elder choking back tears, kept reading off scriptures. It was one thing I was never able to internalize as a witness. Why is a man preaching when he should be mourning?
Why I Refuse to Accept the term APOSTATE
by Black Man inbeen going back in forth with my mom (who is a longtime pioneer and dyed-in-the-wool jw) about the term apostate.
she has labeled me one because of my fading and because i stopped attending meetings a few years ago.
i told her that i refuse to accept the term apostate because its a lazy way for the wts to not deal with dissenters and address why people are leaving this organization in droves.
I love being called an apostate. I can go up to any JW and say an I'm an apostate and they'll quickly go away. They labled you. You might as well have fun with the power they gave you.
The more people who leave the Witnesses, the more people will leave. True?
by ThomasCovenant inif more faders stopped fading and just stopped,.
would more of the many closet unbelieving attendees just stop too, creating a momentum?.
When I went to audio engineering school they gave us a quote: "If you can sell records, you can sell more records."
I'd like to think the same for other situations as well: "If you can help 1 witness leave, you can help more witnesses leave."
I think I've finally been disfellowshipped
by Godsendconspirator init wasn't my preferred method of leaving but at least i'm as far as i can be from this cult.
over 2 years ago i've tried to fade out but i guess i did it too drastically.
i live in nyc so the entire territory is walkable and everybody in the congregation live pretty close by.
I don't regret smoking because at the very least, it was something I chose to do. Newyork44M, I live in the bronx underneath the 1 train.
I think I've finally been disfellowshipped
by Godsendconspirator init wasn't my preferred method of leaving but at least i'm as far as i can be from this cult.
over 2 years ago i've tried to fade out but i guess i did it too drastically.
i live in nyc so the entire territory is walkable and everybody in the congregation live pretty close by.
Just kidding, I started smoking when I started doubting the organization in order to try new things that I normally wouldn't. Now it's just a habit.
I think I've finally been disfellowshipped
by Godsendconspirator init wasn't my preferred method of leaving but at least i'm as far as i can be from this cult.
over 2 years ago i've tried to fade out but i guess i did it too drastically.
i live in nyc so the entire territory is walkable and everybody in the congregation live pretty close by.
It wasn't my preferred method of leaving but at least I'm as far as I can be from this cult. Over 2 years ago I've tried to fade out but I guess I did it too drastically. I live in NYC so the entire territory is walkable and everybody in the congregation live pretty close by. I wanted to keep ties with the people in the congregation but so far I've seen how much of their love is conditional and it annoyed/anger me so much I'm glad I don't talk to them anymore. Luckily I don't have any family in this religion. Every time I walk down the streets I see one of the brothers or sisters and I get interrupted when I eat in a diner, take the train or come home from work.
About a month ago, an elder and the CO came to my door (uninvited of course). The CO showed me a verse in the bible showing reasons why one might leave the congregation and asked me if I saw any one of those reasons in me. I said "I don't see myself in any of these examples", which I guess surprised them because they weren't able to respond. I assume they thought of the conversation going a different way.
Since then, nobody has stopped me in the streets. They pretend I'm not there and it feels so good! I can take walks around my neighborhood again peacefully. The other day I was smoking a cigarette and walking home and I passed by a sister but she said nothing. She just looked down and kept walking.
I'n so relieved! Now it's like I was never in this cult! I always did hate it whenever somebody said "Hey we missed you.". I would respond "You have my number. Let's hang out." Never got a call and now hopefully never will -
Damn, that's almost like branding. I remember I legitmately talked to one of the brothers about getting a tattoo because there was no evidence I could find in the bible that says I couldn't. There's one scripture in the old testament but you know, according to the NT, the law was done away with. The brother tried to discourage me by saying it's "frowned upon", to which I replied, "So I can get one. Thanks!" I got the logo of favorite band on my back. I never showed anyone in the congregation though.
The Watchtower has become full on email spam but in real life. I live in NYC so I get extremely annoyed when I see their stands in front of the train I take every morning to work, then in the subway when I transferring, in my neighborhood, at the new mall they just opened up by me and now on tv? I can't believe idiots fall for this when the organization has come to this.
JW's and depression
by FeelingFree ini was wondering how many of you suffered badly with depression when you were in "the truth" and if you feel your depression was related to being part of the organisation?
are you better now you have left or still have issue's?
whatever your experience's i would be very intrested to know (if you feel you can talk about it.).
I wasn't born in. I started studying at age 17 by myself, attended all the meetings and got baptized at 18. But I did have depression and soon after I started studying, I had a friend save me from ending it all. I never put the two occurences together, until after I found myself questioning. These meetings had me feeling maniplulated and oppressed but we was tricked by always being told that that we were "happy people" so I always questioned why I was so depressed. I assumed it was satan's world. Then after I left, I had to do a lot of work but I think nowadays, I feel much better about my life. I can't wait to go to work and have my career ahead of me to build up as opposed to being told that everything around me is futile.