perhaps this will provide a little push to Dateline as well.
erica rodiriguez.
i'm giving up smoking on the 22nd.
it will be the third time, but this time as part of a government sponsored training course with drugs and patches supplied etc.
anyone else given up and got any helpfull advise?.
I stopped January 1 and haven't had a smoke since. The longest I've ever stopped before was two days.
For the two months prior, I ramped down from the Marlboro Lights (at .8 mg of nicotine) to a cig with .6 mg then .3 then the ultra tasteless Carltons at .1 mg per smoke. Each time I went down to a lower level, I had a couple of uncomfortable days but would allow myself to completely adjust. Great thing about quitting this way is you can still smoke your normal number of cigs (for me a pack) each day.
Because my body had already adjusted, it wasn't so hard quitting AND I think that I'm going to make it.
You can find the nicotine levels of your current cigs in different published studies on US government websites. Sorry, I don't remember the particular site.
does anyone know how many lawyers the society has working for them now?
as the unfortunate school-age children of jws worldwide, or at least in christendom, face up to two of what must certainly be the most dreaded days of the school year -- today and monday, i don't think it would be remiss to do pay them tribute -- the honor of a brief recognition of some sort, say by the raising of a glass, a prayer, a couple moments' reflection, whatever.. i refer to all those of the trembling knees, quivering lips, moistened eyes and hollow feelings in the pits of their little tummies as they loyally face up to the humiliation of standing aside from the masses of christmas celebrants among their school friends.
how they must agonize over dealing with the incessant questions of their mates about ``what are you going to do this christmas," ``what did santa bring you?
'' -- not to mention listening to the spirited banter of their school friends recounting how much fun they had and what they found under tree christmas morning, etc.
Another shit and run job by yoyo.
I remember having teachers trick me when I was very young. 'Okay, just color this tree, you don't have to put decorations on it.' It usually resulted in a beating from the folks when I proudly showed them 'Look what I did'. I'm with slip - Bastards, one and all.
how many here were married as jw's to jw's??
if so, what was your main purpose in getting married to this person?
i ask this because, i married my dh so that i could get to know him.
Ah yoyo,
Such an example. I'm sure she is better off without me in her mind and in the JW alternate reality. It proves how conditional love is to the JW's.
The foremost thing that I've learned in my years away from the YoYo's is unconditional love - both giving and recieving.
Cheers - paul
ps. Yoyo, I hope you find it one day.
how many here were married as jw's to jw's??
if so, what was your main purpose in getting married to this person?
i ask this because, i married my dh so that i could get to know him.
I married young for the same reasons. Young horny Society man weds horny pioneer of 7 years. Too bad she was completely one dimensional. I mean, she would put in 1300-1400 hours a year even though the requirement was only 1000. It was her only hobby, her only focus, her entire life.
When I validated my WT doubts, I realized we had nothing in common. She went to meetings, I did not; she was a pioneer, I was the antichrist. Didn't take long for the whole thing to fall apart.
investigation continues into deaths of man, woman found in waco motel.
by paul monies .
tribune-herald staff writer.
My 2 cents. I worked with George Norris at conventions and also during the two years I spent living onsite during the construction of the Denton Assembly Hall. He was one of the few truly good men I ever had the opportunity to work with. Good as gold. I often saw him take it on the chin from the construction despots but he always cared for his assignment and those in his department lovingly.
Knowing him, I'm sure he called WT and followed thier instructions to the letter.
just curious.
are there any out there who are not christians, ie.
born again pagans .
I am an athiest and, yes, I celebrate Christmas. I don't think that any tradition has to be drawn upon in order to celebrate the holiday. Just enjoy the season: give gifts, drink eggnog, have friends over, throw a party. If you want to believe in significance and tradition, go for it. Otherwise, you get the days off of work - you might as well party.
It's wonderful holiday because family and friends draw together,spend time with each other and show their appreciation.
i'm new here and i'm certain this topic has been discussed in the past so please forgive me for bringing it up.
i've been inactive for about 3 years now and at this time would like to disassociate myself as i do plan to celebrate holidays and such.
so i think it is to my advantage to da myself before i get dfed.
Reinstatement after a disassociation is often more difficult than if you were disfellowshipped. You would have to go through the same process of attending meetings and visible repentance (ie. groveling). But if you disassociate, they will likely view you as an apostate and would be more hesitant to allow you to be reinstated.