I plan to try this when i go to peru this year... i feel like it's calling to me, its not for everyone!!😍😍😍
JoinedPosts by Khaleesi
Ayahuasca The Soul Herb
by new boy ini'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
Grocery Store conversation with an elder
by problemaddict 2 ini'm inactive here to the local jw's as i have faded.
i've been slandered and all that, shunned by some but not all, but the elders basically leave me alone.
i still run into to people all over though.
That was soo funny!!!! Hahahaha🤣🤣🤣
Yes they do ask intrusive questions!
So I in socal myself & also ran into jws, asking what congregation I go too, I reply with "what theater do you go too"?🤣🤣
I recently was told that one congregation I used to go years ago is dissolving, this was a very solid cong with alot of cobes, this was a shock since its in the Spanish, I wonder if their attendance has also gone down.
Foreign Language Field and Fading
by NoviceLocs14 inhey guys.
first of all, i want to thank everyone for being so welcoming and helpful on this forum.... i was thinking about my last 3 years as a jw when i was attending the portuguese congregation and learning that language to bring in more converts.
interestingly, we were told not to attend meetings in our native language in order to immerse ourselves in the new language.
I fluctuated between English & learning Spanish, well I finally dedicated myself to the Spanish for 6 years without going to the English, but in 2014 I decided to go to an English convention. It's true for the first time while I walked in getting to my seat I heard a little sister being interviewed, she said "in the new world" referring to paradise many times & in the talks as well, sounded very illuminati. That first day made me feel like I didn't belong there. It was a strange. That was the beginning for me.
Can halluciengins reveal what has been hidden from us and bring more answers?
by Bad_Wolf inhalluciengins, and several recent studies pointed out how we us only certain sections of our brain depending what is happening.
but some of them, like acid, make your entire brain turn on.
heightened senses.
I have been tempted to try ahyuasca to expand my mind & open it to all clarity. I would love to see unreveal secrets in my mind & subconscious. Found a place here locally in southern California but it was 10k for a 10 day retreat, not sure if it would be less expensive then traveling to Peru!
But yes I would definitely be open to it, to unlock my mind!😊
TV commercial seen in the United States, from a Law firm "Asking if you were ever sexually abused by JEHOVAHS WITNESSES, please call".
by Dunedain inok, so i don't know if this is "old news", and if this has been seen, and or mentioned already.
if it was, i do apologize, but i feel i have to mention what has been seen on tv, within the past 24 hours.. first off, i would like to say that i did not personally see this commercial.
however, it was seen by someone that i can verify 100% is telling the truth, as it was my own father who saw it.
Not sure if it has been posted the actual commercial, credit goes to Dallas Canada
If a JW Came To Your Door How Would You Handle It?
by minimus injehovah's witnesses have never come to my door but they have come to my girlfriends door.
i have coached her as to what to say or ask but it appears that they always seem to come when she's not there.
.....just curious would you get into it with a jehovah's witness at your door especially if it was someone you did not know?.
I just had 2 sisters grab me at my gate this past weekend, i told them I decided to take a break from it, then she tried to insinuate that something personal was happening in my life that drove me to that decision, i looked at her & said no everything was going great in my life that actually that i feel less stressful since I took a break from mtgs, the look on her face was priceless!!!
2016-07-15 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN RUSSIA New law on missionary activity
by wifibandit in2016-07-15 to all bodies of elders in russia re: new law on missionary activity.
to all bodies of elders in russia new law on missionary activity.
So the next time elders ask for our labor hours we could rightly say "it's my personal ministry so i don't need to report since no "organization" directs us to preach" .... the double talk & lies when they don't want to get sued or held liable so throw members under the bus... sickening
Elders intervening in family issues
by gatorguy indoes anyone know of any good scriptures or reference articles that i can show an elder to hopefully have him stop intervening in a family issue?
i already told him that i am the head of the house and that they're usurping my headship but they didn't seem to get the message.
Ask them to pay for your rent & mortgage & household utilities first before they can intervene lol
Governing Body Anthony Morris gives talk at convention. Child refuses blood dies
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yxw_wxyviu .
I believe in the USA kids are protected under laws that will take custody away from parents to give them life saving treatment, including blood....
Of course Morris had to throw the propaganda stuff in there that "he wanted to get better to go to the KH, mtgs & service" just sickening encouraging child sacrifice out in the open... i would turn to the person next to me & just say, "that's wrong, do you worship the God of the dead or the God of the living"!!! & show the person Luke 20:38!! Pretty sure it will cause some cognitive dissonance!
Disfellowshipping Question
by Elizabeth Thompson ini have been a baptized witness for about 30 years.
from the time i was a kid.
i've been the only one in my family who is baptized until 15 years later when my mother got baptized.
I agree too why talk to them, it's a personal matter, you don't need permission from anyone to marry anybody or inform them that u got married.... when 1 elder heard i was engaged, he asked me i said I was & then he said I should inform the other elders, i told him i was an adult & don't need permission to be engaged or marry, it was my personal business... you don't owe anyone any explanations of your life choices, don't give them any power they don't deserve.
Is ur DF husband also awake?