I don't believe this is new.
Even the Rev Climax book talked about the John class participating in events taking place currently
There have been other WT articles illuding to this also
i remember hearing that the anointed that died would start ruling at the start of the thousand year reign.
now it seems they are teaching that these deluded bozos that die get to rule right now in heaven.
when did this teaching change?
I don't believe this is new.
Even the Rev Climax book talked about the John class participating in events taking place currently
There have been other WT articles illuding to this also
how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.
I think these types of ads are more to guilt the parents into donating than to teach the kids. Kids don't have money, parents do and the BOrg wants that money NOW
After all parents need to lead by example, and if "I'm teaching my kids to give to jehovah how much more so should I be willing to give?"
Very typical of BOrg
i was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
To me the survival of the org isn't money but membership... although the two are connected
When I was young, "we" were smarter than every one else. We had 128 pages per month of God directed knowledge. We "knew" the end was chronologically connected to 1914 by one generation.
You preached and studied and went to meetings or you were gonna die at Armageddon in only a few years
Today, it's "the best life ever". You don't preach etc to avoid impending death but to have friends and be charitable
Kids aren't memorizing scriptures for the day their bibles are all burned and they're thrown in concentration camp, they're watching videos about sharing and obeying their parents.
Family study when I was a kid was just another meeting full of protocol and structure, no father would DARE have their kids color pictures of bible characters and call that a study!
The watchtower rebranding is a complete response (to me anyway) to two major events 1 the forced doubling of the 1914 generation and 2 the internet expose of the org's past and present
As stated this was a tactical response but also an acknowledgement that the Franzian Era was dead and without a major change the org would bleed members not by DA'ing but by children not getting baptized and leaving it behind
This rebranding annoys the old die hard cause its not about them, this is all about desperately keeping children engaged to keep them in long enough to get hooked and trapped in for life
i got baptized later in life.
i was around 21, i had left and went out into the world should of listen to my gut back then, but instead i disowned myself and came back into the fold.
before i could get baptized, the elder who studied with me said i needed to get rid of everything that was contaminated by this world: music, books & clothing,everything.
My MIL would burn junk mail if it so much as had a karate ad in it cause karate is demonism
So crazy
this is a quick experience i have recently had and i have two questions at the end.. a couple of weeks ago, the dogs were barking at the gate on saturday morning and wouldn't you know it, it was some witnesses.
there was a father with his lovely wife and their young daughter.
the father did all the talking as mother and daughter just dutifully smiled and watched.
If you've ever watched a service demostration not one in all history has ever had the "householder" do anything other than nod in 100% agreement
No one is prepared for this.
I heard aN elder once sharing an experience like this and he basically said it finally dawned on him that the reason the HH wasnt playing ball with him is because he's worldly and worldly people are stupid!
The arrogance
the man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
Lana longer, your missing the point
Read island man's post. .. he nailed it
The point is the WTS doesn't say anyone that needs our help. They said anyone we meet in the ministry. It's not about them, it's about YOU.... that is YOU being in the ministry and not off doing some other good deed
This is typical of the WTs. And your falling right in line Lana
The wts didn't say everyone YOU did. They didn't say NOT everyone, they weighted the intent toward the thing they want. Then they let the dubs put up their hands and say "everyone"
But when it comes time for counsel they'll show you what it really says, get out preaching
so said my pops one morning.
we were visiting my sister in eastern tennessee and the night before after everyone else went to bed pops was watching tv when all of a sudden and completely on it's own the tv changed to the tonight show, holy smokes!!
must be demons cause pops didn't change it!
Lol rebel fighter
That is EXACTLY what happens! !
hey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
Your blood comment WILL come up in the conversation
It's important you make sure they know you concluded that of your own valition and not from Internet "research"
Perhaps a simple comment that wts seems to be going that way with the allowance of fractions etc
back in the early 70's there was a brother, well known in the circuit did the no no with.
a few of the young sisters in the congregation.
he was df and the word, he would never be.
I say false
But it ALL depends on the local elder bodies recommendation
All boe's are different
I knew a guy who was never given a single privilege in 10 years of working hard in the cong because he told his mother to "F off" ONE time and his old school PO nailed him to the cross for it
Even called his new cong and told boe not to appt him. That was how he found out what old PO was doing