that stupid quote is over a 150 years old! I don't think Origin of the Species was even published when this assine "kinds" statement was made is some religious "science journal"
JoinedPosts by wallsofjericho
A point which virtually every JW will miss in this week's book study
by sir82 infrom this week's book study, the "draw close to jehovah" book, chapter 5:.
biologists have identified well over a million species of living things on earth; yet, opinions vary as to whether there may be as many as 10 million, 30 million, or more.. .
2014-03-29 BOE CONFIDENTIALS PDF Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide
by WatchTower87 in2014-03-29 adjustment to financing kingdom hall and assembly hall construction worldwide.
pdf version:
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
Memorial Attendance: The Single Most Impactful TTATT "Witness" to Family and Friends
by AMNESIANO inanyone who has awakened to ttatt and conscientiously left the organization--especially a once-prominent individual from a prominent multi-generational tribe of jws-- after decades of devout, high-profile "serve-us," who continues to put in an annual appearance at the memorial thoroughly subverts and undermines, by this one act, any hope s/he may entertain that his/her departure will stir family or former friends to question the whole watchtower bamboozle.
by this one concession s/he assigns him-/herself by every single jw to their handy and dimissive purgatory: the "spiritually-weak.".
nothing blasts a louder, clearer, and more deliberate message to the jws who personally knew you and those familiar with your jw bona fides that you are not merely "not making the meetings" or "spiritually-weak" but that there is a conscientious reason you have rejected the entire watchtower society life than choosing to forego what they know you know to be their one-and-only holy and sacred event of the year, the lord's evening meal.
ironically, as "observers" there is zero necessity for "us" to be there anyway. But the R&F would never really be able to fathom that
Misappropriation of funds (Project for an Assembly Hall in Guadalajara)
by avaddohn94 inat the forum, a very serious scandal is being discussed regarding a potential misappropriation of funds by mexico's branch..
though the situation may not be quite uncommon, below you will find an overview:.
a member of mexico's branch committee went to guadalajara to inform the brothers that a plot of land had been donated for the construction of an assembly hall.
the largest donation I have ever made was $20 and I have not donated a single penny for at least 10 years.
whenever they hand out papers to donate funds privately I never hand them in. One time I wrote down $400 but then I never donated it... and I was a believer back then! but I still didn't care. Even then I felt like our cong. was misusing the money
Is this true??
by quellycatface inis it correct that the words "governing body" now appear in the nwt??.
its not in the verse, its in the foreword to one of the bible books I understand
July 2014 WT cracks down on apostate debates and 'dance parties'
by EndofMysteries inin the july 2014 study wt article titled "jehovah's people "renouce unrighteousness".
par 9 and 10 .
9. how did foolish and ignorant debates affect the early christian congregation?.
look at all those apostates... woman wearing dress pants, jeans with ties, handle bar mustaches, 5 o'clock shadow, sheeeesh!!
apostates never wear dresses or suits or clean shaven.
one question: where are the bandana's
Dressed for Failure--drab colors in dress code
by WTWizard ini noticed that, especially for men, that they are required to dress in drab colors for boasting sessions and in field circus.
men are supposed to wear dirty colored suits--dark gray, muddy brown, black, and off-shades of maroon, forest green, and navy/midnight blue seem to be most common.
they get hounded if they wear something in a "loud" color--meaning anything that is near one of the major points in the rainbow and near saturation (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet is most likely to result in a major hounding).
I disagree completely with everything you claim. You sound very depressed.
New field service rules coming this summer
by doinmypart innew guidelines for field service coming this summer.
new publication to be released giving new ways of counting time, conducting studies, group activities, etc..
wallsofjericho smoke a cigar and its delicious! have no idea who or what to vote for get to the casino and you have no idea what to do with your money
... you clink your glass (cheers) at EVERY opportunity
Did you bring anyone in the "Truth"
by rrb2016 inmy mom has been a jw since 1968...never brought anyone into the "truth.
" what are your experiences?
what was your "closing ratio?
unfortunately, yes