we still appreciate all your hard work
i made a donation at freeminds to help younon your trip
bedt of luck. looking forward to seeing the end result
nestor and toni kuilan are writing a book of their memoirs surrounding their experience with the 1980 apostasy hunts.. .
read a little bit about it here:.
we still appreciate all your hard work
i made a donation at freeminds to help younon your trip
bedt of luck. looking forward to seeing the end result
it's happened before.
how much crap can any rational human being take before they just snap & walk away disgusted?.
I say NO
most aren't in it for the doctrine, they probably couldn't tell you what "they believed" before the recent changes. They don't care.
they're on the "ark" .... thats all that matters
you worry too much about silly doctrines. People that care about doctrine don't become JW's
.. the new wbt$ donation arrangement/ jw kingdom hall bank account theft... is a very hot topic right now... the wbt$ is literally going to clean out kingdom hall bank accounts,filled with donations from jws... that theft is going to happen world wide..the wbt$ is going to steal from 7 million plus jw`s... .. we have jw elders here on jwn,that know whats going on... they "serve" in kingdom halls,they are "supposed" to be looking after the welfare of the average jw... they know there is a 4 page letter,only one page will be read to the congregation..the rest will be kept secret... they know the wbt$ is about to steal jw donations..on a world wide scale!!!...
.. i would like to know what you active jw elders are going to do about this??!!...
are you going to let "your" congregation know about the other 3 secret pages?...
the elders will pick an amount that matches the loan payments they were making
our elders increased our donation 20% higher than our loan repayment, exactly what that WTS was hoping for
regardless of what the finances are in first world countries, the growth is in 3rd world countries. "we" are paying for kingdom halls and property all over the planet for 3rd world countries..... HOWEVER, the WTS forgets to include in their statements of "equalizing" that we are not building the halls for the poor but for the filfthy rich WTS that owns the halls and property.
Its a perfect plan
.. the new wbt$ donation arrangement/ jw kingdom hall bank account theft... is a very hot topic right now... the wbt$ is literally going to clean out kingdom hall bank accounts,filled with donations from jws... that theft is going to happen world wide..the wbt$ is going to steal from 7 million plus jw`s... .. we have jw elders here on jwn,that know whats going on... they "serve" in kingdom halls,they are "supposed" to be looking after the welfare of the average jw... they know there is a 4 page letter,only one page will be read to the congregation..the rest will be kept secret... they know the wbt$ is about to steal jw donations..on a world wide scale!!!...
.. i would like to know what you active jw elders are going to do about this??!!...
are you going to let "your" congregation know about the other 3 secret pages?...
How many JW Elders are willing to use that Power and Authority to do the Right Thing?!..
Will JW Elders let JW Friends and Family they are Supposed to be Looking After,get Robbed by the WBT$?..
JW Elders have a Choice to Make..
JW Elders have to Decide if they are Honorable and Caring People.....Or..
Are they willing to be Accomplices In the WBT$ Theft of JW Donated Money?!!..
"Obviously its what Jehovah wants so its "the right thing to do". Who are "we" to argue with Jehovah?"
thats what elders think about this
if you do not know what i am talking about, google about it.
thank u xyz for indexing 1975 income to current income for a comparison of actual value.
yes disposable income is less now than in the past, and yes this generation is less well off than its parents, but when u ncompare apples to apples income vs expenses is all relative
talking about 25 cents a gallon gas when ppl grossed $5,000 annual means nothing if u dont consider the dollar values
the gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
QUOTE - It does seem as if the org lawyers have told them its time to liquidate and get the money as far out of reach as possible - END QUOTE
I suppose interest free loans would still be transacted and therefore "locked" into the US assets of the Corporation. By absolving all loans and just receiving "donations" the Corporation no longer runs a US quasi-business component within it and all the new cash can be freely moved anywhere on the planet without ledger accounts pinning it to US operations.
I imagine this would eliminate many finacial "books" that the could be ordered by the supreme court to be seized or frozen
this is a rumor i heard back in november, it comes to me third or fourth-hand.
feel free to poke holes.
i have many doubts about this myself.
i believe its very easy for the GB or anyone of the upper echilon to rationalize and justify using psychologists or consultants to assist in phasing in change.
The GB can easily dismiss away any issues under the premise "if its good for the organization, then its what Jehovah wants"
For a long time I would not believe this. But the reality is, the way these changes are phased in, the virtual "cat and mouse" between new light in response to factual evidence, the intelligence behind the wording, the cushioning of the psycholigical impact, etc of new light is far more advanced than the minds of any GB member could ever dream up.
the GB are looking for a "response" to the current needs of the Org. No matter what that response is, "if its good for the Org, then it must be the right thing to do"
soon, near, special, and obey.
i thought about the change.
here's my take.. i think it's a move to protect bethel and the governing body from criminal charges for pedophilia occuring within a congegation.
criminal law usually works on specific knowledge of a situation.
With this change, the CO could go to jail . . but not Bethel's volunteers or the Governing Body.
if you were a CO, would you appoint an elder with a shady past that you were aware of? I wouldnt imagine even the WTS would question the CO's ruling as just this mechanism in place could make the WTS culpable. The CO calls it, yay or nay. Done.
The WTS just gets a notification of the appointment or removal
the CO stands to lose everything he owns and will earn for many years to come. This includes his own house. The CO might be able to obtain bankruptcy, but then the bankrtupcy judge will make the CO pay as much as he can from his assets and then for, most likely, 5 years afterwards.
CO's rarely own anything anyway. Those that do will likely be able to protect this under a legal dept approved "donation" system that they will get back after they complete their term in some form or another
as seen in recent posts, beginning later this year appointments and deletions of elders and ms will only happen through the circuit overseer.
this means that individual congregations and elders have no say anymore.
if the gb want only certain people in or out, they tell the co and he makes it happen.
IMO, it would be short sighted or naive for WT to believe it can avoid culpability by assigning blame on the C/O.
legal dept has this all sorted out.
there will be all kinds of legalese and formality written into some CO procedural document that utilizes some arms-length loop-hole that disassociates legal liability from the WTS.
I believe the elimination of DO's is tied up with this new arrangment somehow also.
even the renaming of Districts into Regions could be part of the thing that creates a "new" something-or-other that gives the WTS a platform for creating this legal separation.
this has been written by lawyers and legal consultants over years of reviews and evaluations.
Absolutely this new arrangement will have AT THE VERY LEAST the benefit of sheilding the WTS assets from legal liability. With all this work, I am sure there are other benefits as well