you know what "agent" means right? - YHWH is not the agent of creation... he was/ is the creator.
He was both. You are literalizing the concept of agency into subcontractor. The writer of the Wisdom Proverbs uses the notion of agency for Wisdom. Yet originally readers understood Yahweh is Wisdom, it was not literally a separate entity creating the world. In the same way Yahweh is Wisdom, Yahweh is also Logos. This neither a Trinitarian nor WT Christology. Unfortunately, a later generation of readers tended to literalize the anthropomorphized Wisdom/Logos. Even in Jewish circles Logos took on a tangibleness that could be easily mistaken for polytheism.
Combine the above with the distinction implied between Yahweh and the Most High in some texts. (Deut 32) and we have a recipe for a new way to conceive of Yahweh; as one of the titles of the agency of the Most High, as "God" of the Jews.
Your above statement that Yahweh was not the 'agent of creation' ignores that that is precisely how many understood it.
Taking it all quite literally, some gave Yahweh the title 'demiurge' (artisan) of the Most High, and divided the two as entities in a way not intended by the OT writer/redactors. The so-called Gnostics and Marcionism understood this 'Demiurge' (artisan) God to be the God of the Jews formerly known as Yahweh in some texts. Their unique (some would say heretical) idea was not this identification, but the idea that this demiurge was in some ways acting apart from the desires of the Most High. This offered an explanation for suffering of the material world.
NT writers, while sharing the same identification of creator with the Gnostics did not imagine that creator negatively. For them this agency of God was still working for their salvation. Unlike the Gnostics, they attempted to explain suffering in legalist terms. They thereby gave the agency of God (Wisdom/Word/Logos) a new role as a propitiating sacrifice drawing from passages like Is 53. The name Yahweh had by then become just another title, one seldom used. The Messianism of the later 2nd temple period also provided a new role for the Logos. The Daniel 7 'Son of Man' was merged with the Ancient of Days in the OG LXX. This meant the Son of Man/Son of God/Logos/Wisdom and the OT Yahweh were fused as agencies of the High God. These titles were all aspects of God. This why we find many OT references to Yahweh applied to Jesus.