another email i got from a good friend, wanted to share with you all
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
girl poem.
i shave my legs,.
i sit down to pee.. and i can justify any.
another email i got from a good friend, wanted to share with you all
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
girl poem.
i shave my legs,.
i sit down to pee.. and i can justify any.
Girl Poem
I shave my legs,
I sit down to pee.
And I can justify any
shopping spree.
Don't go to a barber,
but a beauty salon.
I can get a massage
without a hard-on.
I can balance the checkbook,
I can pump my own gas.
Can talk to my friends
about the size of my ass.
My beauty's a masterpiece,
and yes, it takes long.
At least I can admit,
to others when I'm wrong.
I don't drive in circles,
at any cost.
And I don't have a problem
admitting I'm lost.
I never forget,
an important date.
You just gotta deal
with it,I'm usually late.
I don't watch movies,
with lots of ! gore.
Don't need instant replay
to remember the score.
I won't lose my hair,
I don't get jock itch.
And just because I'm assertive,
Don't call me a bitch.
Don't say to your friends,
Oh yeah, I can get her.
In your dreams, my dear,
I can do better!
Flowers are okay,
But jewelry's the best
Would you look at my face
Not at my chest!
I don't have a problem,
With expressing my feelings.
I know when you're lying,
You look at the ceiling.
Don't call me a girl,
A babe, or a chick.
I am a WOMAN,
Get it, you prick?
hi guys...i just wanted to share with you all something that happened over the weekend, that i found really weird.. on saturday i went to a cousins wedding.....we are quite a large extended family, not jw's(only my mom is a witness), so it was nice to be with the family on such special occasions.. throughout the evening i sat down with a cousins husband, who i hadn't seen for about two years.
we had a pint and he decided to get out a pack of cigars.
now these cigars were big fat ones (you know the cuban type)...he lit up.
dig, i know what you are talking about. i still censor myself when i'm around my parents. i remember one time i was talking to my worldly aunt about a party, well, i mentioned it was a halloween party. my mother was in the room with us and i thought to myself "oh no, i let that slip in front of mom!" do'h!! i know i shouldn't care but the automatic feeling of guilt always creeps in.
i've noticed this phenomenon working in my boyfriend's family too. he was raised catholic and his mother is very devout. she still gives him a hard time if he doesn't shave before going over there for dinner!! and we can't swear (not even piddly swearing like damn, hell, ass) and we definately don't smoke when we are there (not even a sneak outside for a quick one like i do at my 'rents). thank god B's dad is a drinker lol
i guess for me, seeing this happen within a "worldly" family helped me to realize that this is more than a jw thing, that most families have these conflicts when kids turn out to be different than what their 'rents wanted. make sense? i do however, think it would be easier for my boyfriend to truly be himself around his family than it would be for me with mine.....
anyway, my 2 cents
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
I had a boob job after my 3rd child. Not to show off to anyone, just for me. Call me vain if you will but up until I had kids I had a pretty nice set. Then breast-feeding took them away.
i have a very good friend who also had a boob job after breast feeding. as she said to me "i'm 23, i want my tits to match my age." i thought this was great for her as i do for you. and i don't think you are vain, since i keep pushing off having kids 'cuz i'm worried i will not like the changes my body goes through.
That said, I see no difference between a boob job and a tooth job. Nobody frowns at anyone changing their teeth, or even remove some ugly scar or birthmark.
i agree with this statement. i think my main beef with boob jobs is when models, porn stars, actresses get those huge, so obviously fake boobs implanted. as a woman, it just plainly pisses me off. maybe i have "big boob envy" or something, haha.
so basically, i guess what i'm trying to say is to do what makes you happy
harmony, of the "i'm so happy i can go braless class"
i'm not being a pervert, really.
i was just wondering whether there was a psychological explanation for why people (women, i think) experience sex, when there's nobody physically there.. there's a lot made of this in dubdom, so i'm thnking there couldbe a connection with the dub 'culture'.. just curious.. philo (honestly, but still a male)
philo, thanks for posting the "kubla khan". i hadn't read that since i was in school. great poetry
ps. comf, i can't wait to see your next pic
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
just to lighten up your weekend.
give it a minute to load, it's worth it.
ROTFLMAO OHMYGOD, too flipping funny! i have them dancing to eminem's "the real slim shady" hahahahahahahahaha
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
(sung to the tune of "woodstock").
i came upon a slave of man.
he was walking along the road.
comf, wonderful!! thank you!!
and philo, i agree, i liked that part too and this
We are smarter;
We're emboldened.
We don't need anybody's pardon
And inside ourselves we've found
We're in the ga-aa-aa-haaaaaarrrrrrrr---duuuuuunnnnnnn
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
i can't believe i'm going to say this but....I AGREE WITH FRED HALL!! for the most part. although, stupid is a little strong...i just think that what matters most is what is on the inside.....
i'm not being a pervert, really.
i was just wondering whether there was a psychological explanation for why people (women, i think) experience sex, when there's nobody physically there.. there's a lot made of this in dubdom, so i'm thnking there couldbe a connection with the dub 'culture'.. just curious.. philo (honestly, but still a male)
in 2 words. wet dream.
i totally agree with you. there are no demons. it's all about dreams baby
new religion.
i am hereby instituting a brand new religion.
we will from henceforth be called the church of wendy mommy.. we are a multifaceted organisation and will have our headquarters in tampa florida 'cause i know someone there and the weather is good.. we have 3 leaders or gods if you will.
ven, i think mommy has been putting some of her magic fairy dust in the drinking water here