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JoinedPosts by Tater-T
The ten most embarrassing scriptures for Jehovah's Witnesses
by slimboyfat in1. mark 7:15 "there is nothing from outside a man that passes into him that can defile him; but the things that issue forth out of a man are the things that defile a man.. so how can eating black pudding or having a blood transfusion be a sin?.
2. roman 14:5 one [man] judges one day as above another; another [man] judges one day as others; let each one be convinced in his own mind.
so how come they say birthdays and festivals are a sin?.
The real problem with Watchtower.
by Rattigan350 ina topic on here about 1975 prompted me to write about how, for me, that is and never was or will be an issue.. also, the 144,000 and 'two classes' with memorial partaking, and child abuse are not issues with this religion.
everyone has their unique teachings and personnel problems.. the real problem with this religion was highlighted in the 2008 yearbook.
it gave a story of a young woman who was from estonia who was on the equivalent of american idol for estonia.
I left in 87 .. right after the stop asking for contributions, I was under the impression that They didn't need or would ever need money..
That being said... when people would ask me about them .. I would say" they aren't after your money.. but YOU your whole life.. all of it.. every moment of every waking hour .. belongs to them"
Candace Conti: WTS Notified Re Opening Appellate Brief
by DNCall inaccording to the docket, wts was notified that their opening brief has not been timely filed.
their appeal will be dismissed if there is no further activity by february 22, 2013.
Their appeal will be dismissed if there is no further activity by February 22, 2013.
any news as this date has passed....
Help me figure out what to say...I'm not usually at a loss for words
by Terry inwell, i finally found him on facebook!.
his name is tollie padgett.
he was my congregation overseer (before the "elder" changeover) when i was in prison in seagoville in the late 60's.. i've been searching for him for years and years.
maybe just try to find out how he is a person.. if he brings it up .. tell him your are inactive.. and you will research .and bring him bit's of doubt. one piece at a time
Are you sure he is still In?
A conversation about universal sovereignty
by outsmartthesystem in"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
great explanation Yadda......
and are these governments even mans? satan offered them to christ how could he if they weren't his?
is your avatar a ground hog with a rocket launcher?
The music that moves you....
by FlyingHighNow inonce when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
eve you have to paste .. the highlight link .. the chain above , next pic of tree lights up.. click on the that then paste in box that appears..
It's Saturday Night - Time to Par-tay!
by LoisLane looking for Superman inhey's saturday night.
let's party!
just lois having fun on saturday night.
let's party!!
here's a cool video I saw on FB today don't know if it will post gonna try
Damn! He is back with the cult and even more zealous
by FingersCrossed inwould even die rather than get blood transfusion.
Kick him to the curb...
you can do better...
he will never be normal ..
Can't they EVER answer a "normal" question?
by mac n cheese inok, so, some jws stopped by my apartment today.
i knew two of the three that came to the door.
they were all very friendly, no mention was made of our long absence from the kingdom hall, even though hubby is sporting a full beard.. here's what i don't get, i asked after several of their family members and the responses were, "oh, my sister and her husband are now regular pioneers" and "he's a ministerial servant now.
no they can't .. because it is a cult... everything revolves around the group.. the gave up their Identities for the group..
It is the only thing that matters to them.. and the only theing that ever will.. until they snap out of it
What song would you dedicate to the borg?
by krejames inzed's thread on powerful albums got me listening to darren hayes after ages and i decided i would like to dedicate this song to the borg.
step into the light.