JoinedPosts by Tater-T
A Mormon manages to awaken from mind control with a little help from Jehovah's Witnesses...
by cedars ina brilliant, honest, well presented video.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s4hqkiiz5a.
how would you know your name is MOUTHY!! LOL
you know i love you
POLL: How long did you remain a JW from point of baptism to leaving the KH
by Terry ini was baptised --1963. left in 1978. fifteen years.
pre-baptism, another 5 years.
born in attended meetings till JR High when Mom said Dad is not going to meetings we're not going to meetings.( dad was DF'f for smoking)
Partied like a Rock Star Played like and All Star , hammered like a Porn Star though High school..
Then after High School A void was felt, as all my friends were gone to college.. was reintroduced by cunning JW's looking to reindoctrinate former flock memebers..
Baptised in 84-85 Df'd in 87 .. left after one year of meeting attentance and had turned in reinstatement letter.. when I asked elder on JC if he had gotten it .. he shrugged and looked away and said "meh"
I walked out that door of the KH that day and said I serve Jah not men in an ORG.. and never returned..
so three years... regular pioneered and aux .. two trips to bethel on two week work deals as electrician
edit to note: but I still believed they had the TRUTH till a year or so ago... never researched ..
Fictious "Universal Sovereignty" Issue Proposed By Watchtower Corporation Is Idiotic
by frankiespeakin inok so a big part of the wt corporation ideological structure is the invention of the issue before all creation being "universal sovereignty".. the story goes like this very basically:.
for untold years jehovah's soverneignty was never challenged, then after so many millions of years jehovahs started his earthly creation with adam&eve being the culmination of that work.
soon afterwards satan seduces eve to disobey jehovah and thus we have the very first act of disobedience satan slanders god by telling eve god is selfish as to the reason he forbids eating this other wise nice looking fruit adam joins his wife in the rebellion.. god in his infinite wisdom allows this rebellion because this was a challenge to his sovereingty and so he is allowing a reasonable amount of time to let mankind and angels see for themselves that his rulership is better that satan's.. so basically it is like a bet he has with satan or who's rulership is best, and he's allowing time to prove his is far superior.. well if you look at it logically it don't add up.. 1. if god is going to allow satan to prove his point about who's rulership is better why is he alway interfereing and interveining that's unfair.. 2. god goes on killing sprees of people man women and chilldren (not very smart for some trying to prove his rulership is better for people to follow.. 3. god show himself to be jealous (not a good trait for a ruler to endear himself to people).. 4. god's scare people to except his ruler ship.. and i have even more reason to show the whole idea is a made up sham..
we just covered this... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/246634/1/A-conversation-about-universal-sovereignty
but go on ...I love this one
What are the JW's up to now days?
by ForbiddenFruit inso i left around 4 years ago, my family have pretty much left me alone after the first year of harassment, but in the last 6 months i've been hearing about 'the end' a lot again.
so i'm basically wondering if anything has happened?
if anything specific has gone on in the last 6 months (or few years since i've left) to make my family get all zealous about me going back to the 'truth' again?
I think they still have to read all the magazines and go to all the meetings and out in service and not be friends with anyone who isn't one of them...
And make sure not to have any fun or make to much money...
and always be thanking Jehvova for the Faitful and Discreat Slob... for guiding them to salvation through the glorious publications..
so you haven't missed Much..
Westboro Brainwashing...
by NeverKnew inare her words familiar?.
edit to add video... i hope (i've never done this).. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khsdvptmgfo.
just like the witlesses...
What are the JW's up to now days?
by ForbiddenFruit inso i left around 4 years ago, my family have pretty much left me alone after the first year of harassment, but in the last 6 months i've been hearing about 'the end' a lot again.
so i'm basically wondering if anything has happened?
if anything specific has gone on in the last 6 months (or few years since i've left) to make my family get all zealous about me going back to the 'truth' again?
they lie about everything.. The end is now where nearer than it was 100 years ago.. in 1914 ..now its 2014 soon .. it must be soon god would not have his appointed magazine company WRONG! for to much longer...
LOL ...
Will the Watchtower Society benefit from the looming financial collapse?
by redvip2000 inif you have your eyes and ears open and can put 2 and 2 together, you have like many of us, have figured out that there is an impending financial collapse in the united states.
the type of financial collapse that likely has never been seen.. whether you believe this is being done intentionally by global power hungry groups bent on bringing us to our knees, in order to push their agenda, or whether it is being done out of carelessness and stupidity is hardly relevant at this point.. the writing is on the wall.
experts (and all who want to) can see it , high level officials expect it, and are already implementing the contingencies that are needed in order handle the civil unrest that will ensue.
Social aid and the Witnesses
by Aaron Eldridge in*** g 5/08 p. 21 is philanthropy the answer?
***by fully addressing the root causes of human suffering, god will accomplish what is well beyond all humans, individually and collectively.
accordingly, rather than set up philanthropic organizations, jehovahs witnesses, in imitation of jesus christ, prefer to devote their time and financial resources to announcing the good news of [gods] kingdom.matthew 24:14; luke 4:43.. i have collected a few quotes like this one but could use some more.
jsu had them at my door 2 days ago.. brought up their lack of charity work
They said," they are thre first ones there when a huricane hits 3 days before the red cross .. and they help everyone .."
I wish I would have said, " So only in an emergency!" not a full time commitment Like jesus..
How does WT in the OP.. get away with saying ", in imitation of Jesus Christ, prefer to devote their time and financial resources to announcing the “good news of [God’s] kingdom."" WTF
Just Got My Memorial Invite
by Tater-T inso hey everyone i knew i couldn't type out the experince i just had at the door.. the video ain't much better.. but i hope you enjoy.
this just happened... at least i didn't feel guilty after this visit... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivu6c3yc7vu.
Just a question on the invite work, do they view it as somehow special ?
I think so.. I'm DF'd... they came to my door . knowing who I am.. I think they think it's a time to bring in the lost sheep so to speak..