And of course, the point I made, leave it to Jeffro to be nitpicky and to go off track about something because the mainpoint--that God does lie and in fact lies and that the Bible has many instances of this--and that this is just mythology where in the genre God is not bound to sensical things (again in the same myth God walks, talks, is under the Mosaic Law, and the Law itself existed before the world was founded) creates paradoxes if one takes any debate on whether "God lies" seriously.
God isn't a person or entity, even by Jewish standards, the people and culture who wrote the story.
In Judaism, "God" isn't even a "deity" which is why the founder of the Society for Humanistic Judaism had to invent a new terminology for his stand on the matter: ignosticism. One cannot argue belief for or against something that isn't a deity to begin with because no one can actually define something that is "ineffable" according to Jewish theology--so why even discuss it let alone debate it?
Of course, we are not talking about SHJ or Judaism. We are talking about people who have been influenced by the Watchtower. They get nitpicky, like Jeffro, over the wrong points.
It's okay to debate over God if that is your thing, and if this "God" lies or not.
But it is kinda ridiculous if at the same time you do not believe that this deity (or any) exists.
And when you say "God," which God do you mean? The God of the Bible? The Jewish Bible, as understood by the Jews? As understood by mainstream Christianity? They don't believe in the "God of the Bible." That is only something Fundamentalists believe in--and then only Christian Fundamentalists.
But then, which Christian Fundamentalists? Which God? Or how about the Muslim take on God? Or a non Judeo-Islamic-Christian God? Or just the JW form of God? Which God are you arguing over?
I'll bet none of you are arguing over the same one because none of you have the same one in mind.
That is why this has lasted so long on this forum. You can't decide whether God lied or not, not because God lied or didn't or because it is a myth or not, but because each of you here involved believe in different things when you use the word "God," even if you are atheist or agnostic.
Your definitions are different. We might think we imagine the same thing when you say "chocolate" and I say "chocolate," but each of us has a very different experience with chocolate. Chocolate is my favorite food, but it might be something you despise. Someone else can take it or leave it. Therefore neither us has the same chocolate in mind when we hear or say or debate the subject "chocolate."
It is the same thing about "God."
This will make it harder about any subject respecting "God," let alone whether "God" lied to Adam and Eve.
Did "chocolate" lie to Adam and Eve? It depends on how you view "chocolate."