JoinedTopics Started by Cirkeline
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
Whats the origin of sin-offering?
by Cirkeline indoes anybody know when and where the practice of sin-offering originated?
in israel it was the practice of scape-goating and offering different animals on the alter which led to the sin offer of jesus christ.
was it practised in religions older than judaism and christianity?
My JC coming up tomorrow for causing division Rom 16:17,18 - wish me well!
by Healthworker inhi, brothers and friends!.
would make me happy if you say a prayer or wish me good luck!.
been an exciting day, training with you guys before the rumble in the jungle tomorrow!.
Did any of you know the TATT before you left?
by marriedtoajw ini know that all everyone's experience vary but i ask this because i am under the impression that since jw's are taught to avoid reading material that may be critical of their teachings they just stay away.
yet many of you violated this at some point to come accross information that confirmed or convinced you of "the problems" with the org.
i have also spoken to active jw's online who seem to know the controvercies but still defend the org vigorously.
He will not hand him a serpent, will he?
by tootired2care inone of the things jesus related on his famous sermon on the mount, is that if a son asks his father for bread he would not be given a serpent.. .
.keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.
8 for everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened.
Tramadol ???
by tresdecu inhey gang, didn't know what topic to put this under.
anyway, long story short.
my doc just prescribed me a pain drug for a back injury, called tramadol.
Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!
by cedars ini've uploaded a video that discusses the dramatic jury verdict regarding the abuse suffered by candace conti, of which you are all aware.
if you're not yet familiar with the story for any reason, please check out my blog article on the link below....
john hoyle suggested i get a youtube video out fairly quickly so that we can spread the message more effectively online.
by Mary ini haven't been on here much lately, but i read barb anderson's report on the court case in california the other day.
nice to see the borg finally getting what they deserve.. anyway, the daily mail has done a story about it and at the end you can give your comments.
i think there are a number of 'faithful witlesses' on there who are giving the "thumbs down" to any negative comments about the borg, including mine.
Thought Reform and the Psychology of the 'Safeguard Your Heart!' 2012 Convention
by breakfast of champions into make attendance at my second district convention "mentally out" both a little more bearable and meaningful, i decided to take some notes of key points as if i were an outsider studying the thought reform methods of jehovah's witnesses.
at first, i was only going to share these notes with my therapist, but inspired by the "parsing the watchtower double-speak" thread, i figured i would share my amateur analysis with everyone.
here are some of the highlights:.