I saw a whole box of WT and Awake bound volumes on eBay. They're in the USA though.
Also, dont you think Awake! is an ironic title for a Jehovah's Witness magazine?
"if you are a young person you need to face the fact you will never grow old in this system of things.. why not?
because all the evidence in fulfilment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years...as a young person you will never fulfil any career that this system offers".
may 22 awake!
I saw a whole box of WT and Awake bound volumes on eBay. They're in the USA though.
Also, dont you think Awake! is an ironic title for a Jehovah's Witness magazine?
luke 21:11 says:there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences;+ and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.
but verse 12 says:but before all these things happen, people will lay their hands on you and persecute you,+ handing you over to the synagogues and prisons.
you will be brought before kings and governors for the sake of my name.
I reckon its only a matter of time before they re-interpret the scripture into a "spiritual" sense.
"Earthquakes" to mean false accusations against the organization. That "shake the foundations of our faith".
"Food shortages" to mean spiritual food, no new light while they try to figure out how to go back on some false predictions they made.
"Pestilences" to mean spiritual disease, apostasy in the organization to which they'll blame all the bad things they've done on the GB who have since died and cant defend themselves.
You read it here first folks. If I'm right, maybe I'm the faithful and wise servant after all!
im asking for you guys help in a phase im going through right now.
im sure it’ll pass but id appreciate your advice..
born in, my family consists of mum, dad, two brothers and two sisters.
Since writing this post im noticing i have good days, some great days and then randomly really bad days. Last week was one of the bad weeks. Felt depressed and sad for no reason. I didn't see my girlfriend for that week because i didn't feel like doing anything. She was really understanding.
She's taken an interest in what JW's are all about. She had no idea what they believed before she met me. We've watched some YouTube videos together by John Cedar and the video "What Jehovah's Witnesses Actually Believe" and I've shown her some of the more WTF mags and books. She's shocked to say the least. And it's funny how she instantly brings up valid logical reasons why it cant be the truth, despite her having zero bible knowledge. (she even Googled "what is the bible all about?", bless her and the next time i saw her she was talking about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so well done to her.)
So anyway, i think my mood/esteem will rise and fall as i adjust to the real world. Coming to this site is makes me feel a little more sane each time.
Thanks guys!!
in jw theology, what happens to adam and eve?
are they resurrected and become heirs to paradise on earth?
or will they become two of the heavenly class?
In the words of David Spaine: "Would you like an easy way to remember?..."
Basically, Jehovah just loves killing people for sins their fathers, grandfathers and distant grandfathers have done.
Adam and Eve messed up so lets punish them... and any kids they'll have.
i was watching a jw video where the announcement was made of a young lady's being disfellowshiped, and it happened in a regular kh sunday meeting.
this struck me as being a bit...cold.
is this when the shunning begins?
I know it's not funny. BUT...I couldn't help but laugh reading that. That kind of reaction is so ridiculously immature. I laugh but I also cringe a little too. And I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Ah it's OK really, i didn't care. Fortunately when my daughters a little older she'll see people she knows blatantly ignoring me despite me being civil and friendly and know from the start it's not quite normal.
The ironic thing is, this elder is the one that "reached out" to me when i handed my disassociation letter in. Advising me to take it back and sit on a judicial for apostasy instead so i could "set matters straight with Jehovah". I got DF'd. I would rather have left on my own terms.
one decision one day one event , today is the anniversary of the plunge that ruined my life .i was young and now i'm old and feel screwed over - ok my personal pity party is over if you made it this far thank you for just being out there.. now my fading update, no meetings for 3 weeks they don't know yet i'm not coming back but thanks to this site and many helpful youtube stories i have some tools to know how to play this game.
because this is a fade i have not been able to tell my story but it really is unique ,i can say at this time there is no wife or kids involved but i do have siblings in this and my oldest brother is a super strict witness to the point of being a bully but thankfully most of my extended family are not j-dubs and that's what's going to help me get through this along with all of you .
have a great day folks !.
Life after Watchtower is so very much more fulfilling and meaningful in almost every way imaginable. I would guess that most of us who have managed to escape don't ever really taken our freedoms for granted. I guess I should just speak for myself: I certainly don't take my freedom of thought and freedom from Watchtower for granted.
Laverite is right. I've been out 3 months after being raised in the bOrg and im the nicest person i've ever been. Im kinder, funnier, more outgoing and i have a lot of things to look forward to. You no doubt feel the same (or you will futher on). Saturday and Sunday lie-in's are still a novelty for me. It's great to actually have days off from getting up early.
Id be interested to hear your story when you're ready. We all would.
i was watching a jw video where the announcement was made of a young lady's being disfellowshiped, and it happened in a regular kh sunday meeting.
this struck me as being a bit...cold.
is this when the shunning begins?
Yes this is where the shunning starts. Right from that announcement. If she goes to the bathroom during the meeting right after that announcement she'll get glares from those in the seats and no one in the hallway or bathroom will even acknowledge she's there. Yes it would be very embarrassing and humiliating for her, and after the meeting she'll be expected to scurry away with her head down and try to navigate her way out of the KH with people in her way without actually saying a word to them.
I didn't turn up for my announcement. I was already 100% out and have no intention of playing their game. Although i did go to the occasional meeting just so i could see my 2yo daughter.
Funny you should mention shunning, only a few hours ago i was getting on a bus with my little girl and an elder and his wife were getting off. I smiled and said "hello" like any normal human being would, to which the elder replied "hello <daughters name>" and walked right past me.
some (especially witnesses) may wonder what brings us to places like this?.
why is it that we have chosen to step away from the society that we once viewed as "the truth", despite the consequences for doing so?.
well for any visitors to this site, or any other "apostate" sites, the answer is simple really:.
Things started nagging at me when the online WT library went online. Being naturally studious it didnt take me long to notice that the online archives only go back so far. Cant blame server issues or lack of server space because they rake in £millions a month.
Fortunately i kept my CD Rom from way back when the internet was still a design of satan.
Then the silver bible comes out and i notice that certain scriptures have been removed entirely, some reworded to fit their beliefs. And when i was in, for the life of me, i could never explain why only the NWT renders Philippians 2:5-6 as the complete opposite as every other bible out there...
KJV:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
NRSV: Let the same mind be in you that was[a] in Christ Jesus,6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited
NWT: Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus,+ 6 who, although he was existing in God’s form,+ gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.+
So my searches bring me to flip-flops in teachings rather than "clearer understanding" or "new light". From then on i had to hit the reset button in my beliefs and go back to the beginning to see what evidence we actually have that God even exists, if he does is he/she/it Jehovah and even then is the WT Org the correct organization???
original thread here.
update: so, after the meeting i had with elders a few weeks ago as outlined in my original thread, they met as a body and once again called to tell me that after considering my case they still thought a judicial committee should be held against me and asked to be there "thursday at 7:30".
all of this, i remind you, because of posting coc on facebook.
You had them by the balls when you quoted their own manual back at them. Checkmate. What else could they do?
Unfortunately, those who've never researched enough to obtain a copy of said book would have fallen into their trap.
Well done you.
i think the single biggest mistake the governing body have made in the last 10 years has to be creating jw broadcasting and putting their gb members on there... on a weekly basis too.. when i was a kid, i had no idea who the governing body were, what their names were or what they looked like.
there was one or two long term pioneers that knew the names of two of them but that was about it.. when i was about 10yo i imagined they looked something like this:.
ahh.... those learned men with a lifetime of bible knowledge just oozing out of their very hearts.
Do the KH songs on the screen have a bouncing ball? LOL!
LMAO unfortunately not. Although that would be way more fun.