Since leaving i met up with a girl that went to the same congregation as me, she was a pioneer in her late teens who just left quite suddenly. She stopped going to meetings and just disappeared. No one inquired after her.
When i asked her what made her leave she said "actually, when i stopped going to the meetings i still believed it was the truth. The reason i stopped going was Brother X (a married min servant in his 40s) kept sending me text messages telling me he loved me. He'd wait outside my workplace and try to talk to me after work each day and take me out. Once day he broke down in tears and told me he'd leave his wife for me and kissed me. I was so freaked out i ran and stayed home for a week. He kept texting and calling begging me not to tell his wife. And i didn't. I only told my mum. Mum said it'd be best if we didn't go anymore."
Since leaving this brother has been appointed as an elder. The girl went to Uni and is now a lawyer.