The dad in this is a total douche.
I dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?
the dad in this is a total douche.
i dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?.
The dad in this is a total douche.
I dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?
does anyone out there know of any jws that have talked about what their personal relationship with jehovah was like?
for example, hearing his voice, a certain feeling?
an intellectual understanding?
When i was a kid, i remember Jehovah being so real to me. I would pray to him in my head many many times in the day, it was like he was my best friend watching over only me. Unfortunately, this was nothing more than a child with an imaginary friend. Only mine was called Jehovah, he lived in the sky, he had a big white beard and only cared about me (first and foremost), then other JWs.
If you want to know how it feels to have a "personal relationship with Jehovah" all you have to do is imagine there's an invisible person floating over you. Talk to it all the time and give it credit when things go well and blame something else when things go wrong.
i mean blow their fucking brains out..
I have a friend who is a Dr Who fan. He told me there's an episode where the Dr (Tom Baker) is given the chance to kill an infant Hitler. The Dr flatly refuses as it's still murder. I agree with that. However, the moment Adolf is about to give orders to end lives then he should be taken out.
I think under this condition i would be willing to kill the moment they decide to commit to their plan... as they're on their way to the Manchester Arena with a bag of explosives.
hello there.. i just ordered the book coc, and will son recieve it.
does anyone have anything you want to mention about the book - perhaps some things you stumbled upon that might help me understand something more?
or maybe you have any thoughts you want to share regarding the book?
best book I ever read.
It will certainly change your way of seeing the organization thats for sure. Personally, after reading it, there was no way i could return to the Watchtower society. Ray comes across without a hint of bitterness and it poised at all times. You'll see that he quotes the Watchtower year, month, page and paragraph so you can look it up yourself. Sometimes even reprinting a letter from the society on the page.
You'll enjoy it.
the location is outside the arndale centre, manchester, after it was evacuated.
Look closely. The people are behind the cordon. The cart wouldnt be able to approached by anyone even if they wanted to. Obviously it was there before the attack and it's just been left there. Im all for pointing out the organizations failures and lack of honesty but, as Simon says, i dont want us jumping to conclusions and making stuff up. I had enough of half truths and twisted stories when i was a JW.
eg ,babies jump where they shouldn't, those hairy old sisters.....
There was one ex-elder who always sat at the back. Ex-elder because he was an angry argumentative bloke who once punched another elder in the face in the back room (it was great!). Anyway, he'd stick his hand up and if a mic wasn't in front of his mouth in exactly 0.25 seconds he'd stare you down and go bright red in the face with anger. He was so much of a douche that if any brother went over time he'd put his coat on and walk out shaking his head.
One time i was so eager to get the mic in front of him in time that i swung it round a little too fast and "thock!" whacked him in his teeth.
And yes, this...
As a hormone induced lad, I enjoyed passing the mike because of the many occasions to view the blouses of the young sisters.
there seems to be a number of different ways that apostates try to get jehovah's witnesses realise they do not have the truth, ranging from subtle comments to aggressive attacks.
do you have any that looking back helped you finally leave.
some of the methods include:.
When i was a JDub i used to sneak onto JWFacts and this site and get annoyed at the "lies"... something must have stuck though because i kept coming back and now im an all out apostate.
there seems to be a number of different ways that apostates try to get jehovah's witnesses realise they do not have the truth, ranging from subtle comments to aggressive attacks.
do you have any that looking back helped you finally leave.
some of the methods include:.
For me it was JWs themselves. I got sick and tired of having to report myself to the elders, watching my back, hiding mundane things from my family and friends that were no big deal. I could see a lot of hypocrisy and i wanted no part of it.
Then it was JWFacts and this website.
Crises of Conscience just sealed the deal. There was no going back after that.
anybody want to guess?
for some years the office for national statistics tried to hide the answer by counting different spellings as different names.
it no longer matters.
I used to work in Immigration and the stories i could tell...
It was very common for illegals to destroy documents upon arrival at the airport and claim asylum under another nationality. The sob stories would all be exactly the same. I mean, word for word. People would bring their kids with them, then after they were granted citizenship years later would turn up and say that they're NOT their kids but actually their sisters kids, so thanks to Human Rights the Home Office would HAVE TO let the real mother of the kids come to the UK and grant her an indefinite visa. That type of thing was common.
And i wont even start on the criminal records of some (not all) but some that were wanted for crimes in their home counties but claimed asylum here. And we granted them! Because, you know, " Iran they'd kill him for raping a girl. We cant send him back there to such a dangerous regime."
within the organization, jehovah's witnesses know that they must be dutiful and set an example for "worldly ones" as well as for their own brotherhood.
if a witness fails in setting the proper example, they may lose some 'privileges"..... what privileges did you look to have and what privileges did you lose?
At one time in my last KH i had the "privilege" of working the sound desk, platform mics, roving mics and counting those in attendance ALL AT THE SAME TIME for every meeting. This lasted for months. The other brothers were either unworthy due to some sort of "sins" committed or they were elders or MS so wouldn't dream of doing such a lowly job.
Also.... what "privilege" it was to be assigned to the door to door ministry. Surely this is an "honor" to proclaim Jehovahs name.
Privilege of cleaning toilets.
Privilege of picking up some brats sweet wrappers from the back row.
Privilege of typing up the list of talks and those assigned to them.
Privilege of doing car-park duty to make sure they dont get broken into.
Basically, any job nobody wants to do becomes a "privilege" to make you think you're special.