So according to Watchtower, the follow people are spiritually weak:
Jesus Christ
All of the apostles
All of the prophets
Charles Taze Russell
And the following people are spiritually strong:
Your dad
The governing body
Yeah, sounds legit.
so i spoke to my elder dad the other day, and he asked if i still am sporting a beard.
i said yes, then i said, "i thought the society said its ok to have a neat trimmed beard now?
" he said "no, no, no..if you read the article , it says in countries where it is accepted" so my response was "ummm, its pretty accepted here in america"..which he says "it reflects your spirituality" "if another wittness saw you, they would know you are weak"...i was like, "ok, i don't get it, and i follow christ/god, not men..." then he said in his hall" if a brother came in with a beard , he would not have privelages" then i just gave up, and tried to change the subject..ugggggggggg if these people would just listen to themselves , they would see the sillyness of there teachings...
So according to Watchtower, the follow people are spiritually weak:
Jesus Christ
All of the apostles
All of the prophets
Charles Taze Russell
And the following people are spiritually strong:
Your dad
The governing body
Yeah, sounds legit.
now that the org.
has gone 90% digital, it would seem most people now would rather read a good old fashioned book than a tablet!.
way to show insight oh fearless leaders!.
From Watchtower Online Library. Most of the links are greyed out (old light you see!). These one's were still active:
new wt just came out.
about self control.
by the way looking at outlines the word disfelowshipped not in there 52 outlines.
Page 6, paragraph 12 of the Sep 2017 Watchtower. Haven't read a Watchtower in over a year. I actually felt physically ill wading through it's repetitive, condescending, patronizing method of teaching.
i did!
even when i was in junior high school i would go to the library and look for anything that was about charles taze russell or millenial dawn or jehovah's witnesses..... maybe i was an "apostate " in the making..
I stumbled upon this site from time to time. Only when i was feeling really annoyed about the bOrg though. Every time i went away feeling a heavy weight inside me. Not anger at the apostates but because they were speaking the truth and i couldnt refute a lot of the stuff i'd read.
Eventually i used to visit JWFacts in the KH on their WiFi! - this is while i was still a JW.
Eventually the seeds took root. Thanks guys.
i could never understand why some people who know the truth about the "truth" ever go back.
once you understand all the hypocrisy and negatives, i would think it's almost impossible to go back!.
And die a slave? No. This exJW is cramming as much life into his life before his life ends.
since i have left almost 4 years ago.
i have become a green belt in karate classes.
have got permits to own guns and go hunting.
Well done on your achievements since leaving.
I look back and think what those 6-8 hours a week could've been devoted to. Learning a language, learning a martial art, college etc. I plan to do all those things now that i have the freedom and time.
few things draw my interest as much as people on this board who talk about the elders, the insidious little toadies who lurk around kingdom halls, the proverbial big fish in little ponds.
it amazes me the terror and the veneration they inspire, as well as the occasional ridicule.
it makes me wonder how they're selected and whether most of them come into the position with a sense of power, entitlement, authority and control, or whether many of them are pretty nice people and that i'm just hearing about the bad apples?
From all my years as a JW and having met literally hundreds of elders, i can only think of two that i absolutely trusted. Knowing that they share information and are required to report to the CO made me think twice before telling them anything. I certainly never viewed them as more knowledgeable in the scriptures than anyone else.
My mother on the other hand regards elders as "stars in the hand of Jesus Christ" and treats them like royalty. I've dated two girls who's fathers were elders and my mum would go round telling all her friends in the congregation that my girlfriends father is an elder in such and such congregation.
the dad in this is a total douche.
i dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?.
On a side note, how did the dad get to be an accountant without attending university? - oh i suppose he did that before he was a JW. Good thing he did!
the full english convention videos - 17 hours in total (includes all videos, demos etc etc): programme listings: talk outlines: new releases:
I have no desire to sit through this crap voluntarily digitally or in person, i do want to keep up with their propaganda. I'll just wait until Lloyd Evans does a rebuttal. Or when the topics on here get heated about a particular talk.
my mom and sisters have not had any contact with my family for the past year and a half.. we even recently announced a new pregnancy and none of them acknowledged it or called to say congratulations or anything.. this past week my non-witness grandfather passed away and i had thought that for the sake of his death and funeral, it being "necessary family business" that they would at least be civil in front of our other family.
all of them still ignored me, my sisters didn't even speak to my children at all - to be honest i don't think my kids even knew who they were.
for the sake of my grandmother i made a small attempt at the end of the day to say goodbye to my mother and she kind of just brushed past me and said goodbye without really looking at me.. anyways my grandmother told me later that my mom spoke to her and said "i love my daughter and i love my grandchildren and i'm so upset that she won't allow me to see them".
Similar situation with me. My family are shunning me but cry and moan that they never see my daughter. They too are playing the victim "the whole family is suffering because of what you've done" etc
Unfortunately, my ex takes my daughter to visit every couple of weeks. I tell her not to but she does it behind by back anyway (no backbone).