That poor Iranian fellow
- gosh, that gave me a chuckle!
good move or bad?
That poor Iranian fellow
- gosh, that gave me a chuckle!
the organization looks every passing day more and more like a building firm made in usa:.
Also earlier in the talk it was mentioned they could live for all eternity and they all clapped. I genuinely don't think they have ever stopped to reflect on what that means.
You know when you complete a computer game and you've no other games so you just keep freeroaming it over and over again? Soon gets boring doesnt it? That's the JW "new system" for you. Except in this one we're wearing 70s slacks, living in tree houses and passing fruit to people in national dress.
Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever...
i'm going to be the first and throw this out there for others but, from careful study of the scriptures i've found a loophole that even adam who was perfect at the time missed!
i'm sure everyone has heard the conundrum about ,"can god create a rock he can't lift?
" and if he can't create one he can't lift, then god cannot do everything" well that doesn't really matter since we know jehovah says himself he cannot lie right?
As soon as I get to talking animals, that's when I know I'm reading a fictional book.
so i'm on ebay looking for old jw books and i see this crap.... .
i think some cheap person has taken poundland dolls, put kids clothes on them and have the cheek to flog them for $73.60 (plus shipping).. for one, they look nothing like them.
and two, how creepy are these?!!
So I'm on eBay looking for old JW books and I see this crap...
I think some cheap person has taken poundland dolls, put kids clothes on them and have the cheek to flog them for $73.60 (plus shipping).
For one, they look nothing like them. And two, how creepy are these?!!!
fader here - last meeting was in autumn 2005. lurker on this site and others.
not one to get all controversial.. typical situation, pretty much a born in and left the church at age 38 and never looked back.. i'm 53 now, parents getting older - late 70s but very active, dad is still an elder.. parents, in laws, brother and brother-in-law still uber active jws.. my family (wife and 2 adult children) out since 2005.. we have stayed close to our parents - we have treaded religion lightly and have had a pretty good relationship and have kept our personal lives and beliefs/opinions separated from them.
this was intentional - as we love them and do not want anything to cause shunning since they are getting older and want to be there for them and we respect their beliefs.. got this letter today.
What did Paul say about juding those outside?
What did Jesus say about juding at all?
Sorry to read that, mate. It sucks.
I decided last year to always be nice and friendly to JW family even though they treat me like shit. Get on with living a good and decent life and always be there if/when those people leave themselves. I dont talk about religion at all to people who do (very rarely) talk to me. And I even sent non-xmas presents to my neices and nephew in December. One sister returned them to me, the other accepted them and thanked me.
That's all you can do in this situation, take the high ground and be the kind one. I'd either ignore it or reply with a lovely loving letter signing off with "I love you no matter what religion you are".
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
Damage control is right.
Now all those JWs who researched on the internet and discovered all this no longer need to feel worried and can talk about it openly.
"See! The GB are open about the "adjustments in understanding". One sure sign that we can trust them and that this must be the truth."
And so it goes on...
i was told today that my jw family had a massive family gathering with presents exchanged, drinks and a big roast dinner.
they even wore paper hats.. the day they chose for this family day?.
26th december.. totally not christmas or anything - honest.. does anyone elses family do that?
I was told today that my JW family had a massive family gathering with presents exchanged, drinks and a big roast dinner. They even wore paper hats.
The day they chose for this family day?
26th December.
Totally not Christmas or anything - honest.
Does anyone elses family do that? It used to be "surprise day" for the kids in December so they wouldnt miss out when they went back to school but this is the first time I've heard of it being so blatant.
so i am trying to understand if i am the only pomo that experiences the situation where the pimi spouse comes back from a meeting a different personanlity.
it may not be obivious to the untrained eye, but i notice it and i know my sons notice it.
this last round after all the loyalty bs and armagedon bs it's like she has stayed stuck in it.
I tend to see this more when they come back from the conventions. I remember after the last one I attended, 2015 my brother in law telling me on the Sunday evening that he's going to quit his job and pioneer, and he was full of euphoria. Not surprising due to the around of propaganda videos they show nowadays.
If your PIMI wife stopped attending meetings for a while, perhaps due to a long holiday abroad she'd also gradually become a different person. In a good sense. I found my low moods and guilt evaporated when I stopped attending meetings and reading the literature.
last week i posted a thread asking about who knew any "real anointed" and got some cracking replies.. that got me to thinking, as someone brought up in the 70's and 80's in the watchtower religion, my experience of bible studeis in their homes and those who made it to the hall were mostly batshit crazy or at least people with some serious quirks.. i'll relate a few, none of whose names i remember with any clarity.. in our cong we had an older couple who were from london, but who had been in the 1950's in the circuit work in the mid west usa.
they brought along some woman one night they had started a study with who told everyone cheerfully she was a recovering alcoholic and this was her cure (coming to the meetings).
this went on for a few weeks until one night they brought her to the memorial and she was royally pissed, and i mean barely able to stand; and went up to the platform table and necked some wine.
I remember a few.
On guy who used to think you could ask god a question then flip open the bible at a random page and stick a pin it and it’d give you the answer. I remember he used to wear a shirt and tie and a leather waistcoat to the KH.
A man and woman who, despite being married, live in separate houses but turn up to the meetings together. She would only wear clothes from charity shops and used to take things out of rubbish tips and hoard them in her house. I always felt sorry for her husband. He seemed a nice decent bloke but obviously was stuck with her.
One guy was studying and after a while claimed he was anointed (not even baptized). This progressed to him claiming to be Jesus brother, then Jesus himself. Last I heard he was claiming to be part of “the godhead” and had special powers. I really hope he’s still attending.
during the pyeongchang 2018 olympic and paralympic winter games, which were held from february 9-25, 2018, and march 9-18, 2018, brothers and sisters in korea engaged in a special campaign to offer the many international visitors bible-based publications free of charge.. .
here are protesters exercising their rights to free speech at a 2019 international convention in melbourne, australia.
just like the jehovah's witnesses have rights to hold up magazines while olympic attendees walk by, protesters at the jehovah's witness convention are not given their rights to walk around with their signs and protest.
And that cult logo has become their new golden calf.
"We dont have symbols... we just put our website all over our Kingdom Halls, attendance jackets, tie pins, pens, pads badges and even earrings."