I think the Watchtower’s push for data etc revolves around the newest change within the org.
The Blood Card evolved from just a card dubs carry that says “no blood” into a full blown Durable Power of Attorney DPA. And the newest Watchtower law is for elders not only to sign them but to make a copy and keep on file.
The Watchtower has sojourned into the realm of the legal. They want to replace your lawyer.
A Durable Power of Attorney is something that your lawyer prepares, not your priest. Watchtower knows how it goes on Hospital Day. Everyone shows up including non dub kids who might make a Blood Card disappear....
Watchtower wants to enforce. To do so they need to put on the lawer’s shoes. To do that, they have to have legal permission. I am surprised it has taken this long for the authorities and the powers that be to catch on to what is going on at OZdomhall.