This is a reasoned treatment of the subject.
And also here.
in numbers 31 we read the following:.
jehovah then told moses:2 take vengeance for the israelites on the midianites.
afterward you will be gathered to your people.3 so moses spoke to the people, saying: equip men from among you for battle against midian and to execute jehovahs vengeance on midian.4 you should send 1,000 of each tribe of all the tribes of israel into the army............ 7 they waged war against midian, just as jehovah had commanded moses, and they killed every male.8 along with the others slain, they killed the kings of midian, namely, evi, rekem, zur, hur, and reba, the five kings of midian.
This is a reasoned treatment of the subject.
And also here.
long time, no posts.... .
those that remember me, well, i'm doing ok, so far.. those that remember my wife, she passed away as of june 26th this year after a long battle with various health issues for the past 6 years.. thought i'd drop a note to say hello to everyone that knew me.. .
i hope everyone is well.. .
So sorry to hear about your wife's passing.
as i was growing up in a household with my grandparents, i heard a certain phrase hundreds of times, "well, you know what they say .
and i wondered: "who are "they"?.
it was my first encounter with shapeless, formless, invisible, abstract, non-descript, and anonymous authority.. the premise seemed to say:.
Does this apply to "the truth about the truth"? So is it an estimate about the truth? And another thing while my head is spinning - If there is no "Truth", then that statement cannot be true .... meaning that truth does exist? Right? Ohhh the pain of it all.
evil is opposite of live, means not really living, but wasting!
if you are in harmony with yourself, fellow-humans and nature (and god if you believe in such an entity), then you feel light, at ease, hence you can say you are really living.. on the contrary, if you are not in harmony with yourself, fellow-humans and nature (and god), then you feel burdened, at dis-ease, draining energy, hence you can say you are not really living, but wasting your lifesomething which the biblical word for evil really mathew 7:17 where the word evil is used to refer to bad fruit (of a literal tree).. hence one can say evil is half-real!
if you think evil exists or doesnt exist, both are right.
I think Evil is like darkness, uncreated by God.
Have a safe trip!
in a letter in the 2013 yearbook of jehovah's witnesses, the governing body sign off with the words, "we love you all very much".
these words were later echoed by one of the governing body in an address to french jehovah's witnesses in july this year.
these words sound so marvellously compelling and heartfelt - goosebump inducing, even.. imagine the governing body wrote these words to you or expressed them to you in person- yes to you reading these very words.
I would say, "I love you very much as well. Can you show me just one scripture in the new testament that describes how a person can get their sins forgiven outside of the new covenant"?
andre gide its is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.. the words of wisdom from the deceased french author echo through my mind every day, and they make me think, would the people in my congregation give me their unconditional love if i was not doing well in the congregation spiritually?.
spiritually as in giving well in the congregation, making nice comments, doing parts in the service meeting, reading during the book study on stage, working at the literature counter, and recently becoming a servant.. of the 20 or so young ones in the hall only me and 4 others are progressing spiritually.
ive seen the way brothers and sisters have treated those in the hall that arent progressing and dont take the truth seriously.
My cousin (a servant at the time) was speaking wrecklessly and said I wonder if Scott will be in the NFL one day, then he started to joke about how he’d die at Armaggedon after scoring a touch down. Him and my brother chuckled and I lost control of my emotions and pinned him on the floor and started punching him in the face.
Lots of sports figures are Christians. The first non-jewish Christian was an active-duty army officer. Anyone can read it for themselves in the book of Acts. Just let the bible be your guide and you can't go wrong.
Might I suggest taking up boxing?
well,the guilt trip worked in getting them to the international convention,even though,for some,it put their health at great risk.. i'm glad that an elderly relative showed some common sense and realized she couldn't make the convention.
but,people still treated her oddly about not going.. one of her friends,who had a stroke in the past,thought about not attending,only to get screamed at by her so-called friends.
she did go,but it was hard on her.
Jesus said his yoke was easy and his load light. The WT always seems to guilt people with talk titles such as; Do Your Utmost to __________________ .
We do have a choice of whom to believe. It is one of the purest choices we have as humans.
the similarites between the mormons ( ) and jws ( ) are startling!!!.
here is another, both false religions have governing body's made up of predominantly white anglo men, but tout themselves as being worldwide united religions... where is the diversity???
both groups look like board members of any top fourtune 500 company.
Both attempt to position themselves as a co-mediator between God and Man does the cult of Mary.
they simply refuse to think, to reason, to ponder.
they are lazy!.
even if they might feel that something isn't right, they won't research an issue or a question.
They are too fearful to think. Fearful of their idol.
i'm not sure if this has been discussed before.
you guys might recall that when the 2013 yearbook came out, the letter from the governing body ended a bit unusually:.
we love you all very much.
Well, they highjacked a title of Jesus Christ, calling their association "The Truth" , why be surprised if they highjack the central characteristic of the father - LOVE?