Posts by Perry
Post some niceness ! There is too much negativity in the world.
by new hope and happiness inso here we are on a niceness thread talking about nice things.. yesterday a very pretty girl left her mobile behind at the computer in the libary, i returned it to her and she gave me a hug.
My JW friend turned down the "privilege" of working the literature table at the park. Why?
by MissFit ini have written before about my jw friend that plays hookie with me on sundays.
we skip the meeting and go straight to lunch and margaritas.
she converted later in life and has been a jw for over 25 years.. she is in her late 70's and has had heart problems.
She tells me that her faith in Jehovah is what gets her through and that she trust HIM to read her heart.
That's the problem, Jehovah DOES read the heart. That's why this poor dear needs a Savior.
Post some niceness ! There is too much negativity in the world.
by new hope and happiness inso here we are on a niceness thread talking about nice things.. yesterday a very pretty girl left her mobile behind at the computer in the libary, i returned it to her and she gave me a hug.
Here is some niceness:
Help me help my DF'd friend
by OneEyedJoe inso i got a text from a friend of mine today telling me that he'd been df'd.
since i'm still nominally a witness, this puts me in a tricky spot.
i intend to tell him in no uncertain terms that i will not shun him, but i'm not sure where to go beyond that.
there's just this huge waste of time in our life. I don't know if she'd turn me in, but she probably wouldn't like it if she knew I wasn't shunning him, but I can deal with that.
I see. I believe that you have suffered from weak abdominal muscles (see chart above) but are starting to strengthen them. Please continue process.
Help me help my DF'd friend
by OneEyedJoe inso i got a text from a friend of mine today telling me that he'd been df'd.
since i'm still nominally a witness, this puts me in a tricky spot.
i intend to tell him in no uncertain terms that i will not shun him, but i'm not sure where to go beyond that.
I'm sure those of you who've gone through this before (on either side) will be able to help immensely.
Are you in good standing?
Just wanting to hear experiences.
by joe134cd init's funny how my mind works since walking out of the hall just a bit over a year ago.
for some reason i just can't seem to bring myself to go to the site.
i find it just to painful.
Well I guess that gives away how long I stayed to check it out.
Oouch, nasty stuff.
New Testament Words : Sermon of the Mount ,Persian couriers and enforced slavery in one word?
by raymond frantz inwhat does the word compel mean in matthew 5:41?jesus said on the sermon of the mount :" if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles.
how could anyone compel you to do such a thing ?
read about the fascinating history of the word "aggareuein" and how that connects so diverse things such as persian couriers ,romans councelors and enforced labour.
Perry, please stay with birds. I got the message.
New Testament Words : Sermon of the Mount ,Persian couriers and enforced slavery in one word?
by raymond frantz inwhat does the word compel mean in matthew 5:41?jesus said on the sermon of the mount :" if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles.
how could anyone compel you to do such a thing ?
read about the fascinating history of the word "aggareuein" and how that connects so diverse things such as persian couriers ,romans councelors and enforced labour.
Didn't you just post this exact same thing somewhere else?
Didn't get the response you felt it was deserved? I understand. Recentlly I posted an absolutely amazing video of people sorting cobras for a snake show. Not one post.....can you believe that?
Just wanting to hear experiences.
by joe134cd init's funny how my mind works since walking out of the hall just a bit over a year ago.
for some reason i just can't seem to bring myself to go to the site.
i find it just to painful.
I just went there for the first time after reading your opening post. Almost all of the images of people on the Home Page were from African descent.
Is this their new target demographic?
Veneration of the logo is as the cross is to Catholics
by EndofMysteries pins, on the kh's, etc, how soon before they are making altar pieces, necklaces, etc to hold and pray with?
It is a phallacy.