The bomb is tickng.
Posts by Perry
Door to Door
by Drifting Away ini hear my wife say to me " we are the only religion that does the will of god , and that is to preach door to door, and speak about gods kingdom" and in one sense she is correct, i know there are others that preach door to door, but then someone told me door to door, does not literally mean door to door in modern times.
i was confused, has anyone ever heard of this before?
Exactly Vanderhoven.
Jesus was once asked a similar question:
John 6 - What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst....
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life I am that bread of life. ... I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.Unfortunately, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe Jesus when he said to eat and drink the emblems of the New Covenant.
Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins - Mt. 26: 27-28
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the New Covenant (Testament) is for rulership positions in the Millennium reign and not for the "remission of sins" as Jesus clearly stated.Whom we believe determines our destiny, just as it always has... since Eden. This is the eternal standard of governance for free moral agents. God honors our choices.
for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. - Gal. 2: 16
Hi Ryan,
Glad to have you on board.
Someone once said, "When you are going through a rough time, keep going".
- Perry
Socialism does not lift people out of poverty anywhere near as good as capitalism. Socialism promises things that it cannot possibly deliver on over time. Once the socialist politician realizes the inability to deliver, social unrest & two other things usually develop. First, a scapegoat must be found to blame the inability, and two a state security system needs to be erected to keep the socialists in office. The Jews were scapegoats in the last century and we saw security systems like the SS secret police and the KGB keep the socialists in power.
The basic socialist cycle goes something like this:
1. Convince the populace that the government can solve their problems of inequality with cradle to grave govt. programs
2. Get the population dependent on govt. programs
3. Take away their guns
4. Increase taxes
5. Blame the scapegoat for the inability to deliver on promises
6. Have the national police round up the protesters
Once citizens are weaned on this cradle-to-grave concept and are no longer self-reliant, they become wards of the state and will not accept any reduction of services. The government subsequently has no option but to reduce services, and as popular resistance develops, State repression begins. This is the socialist cycle.
The capitalist must perform to market standards. Competition will put him out of business if he provides an inferior product or service. He is furthermore constrained by his customers, stockholders, board of directors, lending institutions, as well as numerous laws, and, if all else fails, product liability statutes.
John Hawkins has this to say about Socialism:
1) Socialism benefits the few at the expense of the many: Socialism is superior to capitalism in one primary way: It offers more security. It's almost like an extremely expensive insurance policy that dramatically cuts into your quality of life, but insures that if worse comes to worse, you won't drop below a very minimal lifestyle. For the vast majority of people, this would be a terrible deal. On the other hand, if you're lazy, completely incompetent or alternately, just have a streak of very bad luck, the meager benefits provided by socialism may be very appealing. So a socialist society forces the many to suffer in order to make it easier for the few. It's just as
Winston Churchill once noted, "The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
2) Capitalism encourages entrepreneurship while socialism discourages it: A government in a capitalist economy can quite easily give everyone equality of opportunity with a few basic laws and regulations, but socialism strives to create equality of results. This should frighten people who value their freedom because ultimately, as F.A. Hayek has noted, "A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers."
You can see this happening in America as our efforts to reduce "inequality" have led to an ever expanding government and a vast regulatory tangle that is almost unexplainable despite the fact that it is certainly enforceable. Capitalism encourages people to start a business and build a better life for themselves while socialism lays in wait with IRS agents, nooses made of red tape and meddling bureaucrats looking for businesses to control and loot.
3) Capitalism leads to innovation: Coming up with new products is often time consuming, expensive and hit or miss. Nine ideas may fail before that tenth one takes off. The less the creative people behind these ideas are allowed to benefit, the less time, money and effort they'll put into developing new concepts and inventions. Put another way, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward has to be to convince people to take it. Capitalism offers big rewards for productive people while socialism offers makers only a parade of bureaucratic leeches who want to take advantage of their "good fortune."
4) Capitalism produces more economic growth: Capitalism produces considerably more economic growth than socialism and as John Kennedy said, "A rising tide lifts all boats."
A fast growing economy produces more jobs, more wealth and helps everyone. Many people assume that capitalism isn't working if there are still poor people, but that misses the point. In many parts of the world, poverty means living in a hut with a dirt floor while in America, most poor Americans have TVs, refrigerators and cell phones. The rich may take home a larger share of the pie in capitalism, but the poor also benefit tremendously from living in a growing, thriving economy.
5) Socialism is too slow to adapt: Capitalism is extremely good at allocating capital to where it's most valued. It has to be. Either you give people what they are willing to pay for or someone else will. On the other hand, socialism is slow and stupid for a variety of reasons. Because the government is spending someone else's money, it doesn’t get particularly concerned about losing money. Political concerns about appearances often trump the effectiveness of a program. Moreover, even if politicians and bureaucrats are intelligent and competent, which are big "ifs," they're simply not going to have the specific knowledge needed to make decisions that may impact thousands of different industries. This is why capitalism may have its share of troubles, but when there are really colossal economic screw-ups, you'll always find the government neck deep in the whole mess.
6) Socialism is inherently wasteful: Milton Friedman once said, "Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own. Nobody uses somebody else’s resources as carefully as he uses his own."
This is very true and it means that the more capital that is taken out of the economy and distributed, the more of it that will be wasted. The market does a considerably better job of allocating resources than the government because there are harsh penalties for failure. A company that makes products no one wants will go out of business. A poorly performing government program that wastes a hundred times more money will probably receive a bigger budget the next year.
7) Capitalism works in concert with human nature while socialism works against it: Ayn Rand said it well, "America’s abundance was created not by public sacrifices to ‘the common good,’ but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America’s industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific discovery or technological advance—and thus the whole country was moving forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way,"
but Adam Smith said it better,“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”
A man will work much harder to take care of himself, his family and his friends than he will to make money for the state, which will then waste most of it before redistributing it to people who aren't working as hard as the man who earned it in the first place.
Socialists think that money will solve all man's problems. Everything is obsessively related to money in the socialist ideology.
They have an almost supernatural ability to blame others with more money. God calls this greed and envy. They are sins.
I studied plenty of Marx and Engels while seeking a degree in Sociology at University. I sat under the teaching of avowed socialists professors that were given a platform (and a job) by the system they despised. Socialism is a failed ideology.
Remember the National Socialist German Workers' Party? No? They were called Nazi's for short.
Remember the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? They were called the USSR for short.
They were not exactly warm and cuddly figures like our current grandfatherly champion of socialism, Bernie Sanders.
My wife grew up under Socialism in the Czech Republic. When the Russian Socialists left, many of the Czech people destroyed the very houses the Socialists lived in they were so hated.
Domination is the result of Socialism, not freedom and equality. This is a demonstrable fact of history.
Garry Gasparov was the undisputed Global Chess Champion at only 22, the youngest ever to hold that title. He also holds the record for holding it the longest.
He is one of the smartest people who have ever lived. Note what he says on his Facebook page:
I'm enjoying the irony of American Sanders supporters lecturing me, a former Soviet citizen, on the glories of Socialism and what it really means! Socialism sounds great in speech soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there. In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty.
Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of capitalism. Income inequality is a huge problem, absolutely. But the idea that the solution is more government, more regulation, more debt, and less risk is dangerously absurd.Socialism corrodes far more than the economy and the human spirit as Gasparov correctly asserts. The ideology that blames literally most every problem on money puts the human mind in a box and slams the lid shut. It is mental suicide more than (or at least as much as) anything else.
How many Hollywood millionaires lead a train-wrecked life in spite of all their money?
Further evidence of this mental disaster can regularly be seen in statements similar to this Obama State Department Spokeswoman who blames ISIS growth and for acting they way they do (beheading, raping & genocide) on ....... (drum roll) YOU GUESSED IT - NOT ENOUGH JOBS (MONEY)!
She thinks ISIS will be defeated by providing jobs to people in their recruiting grounds.
"508 Million Year Old" Exceptionally Preserved Embryos Found
by Perry inactually, they we found over 100 years ago.
but because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, dna fragments etc.
, many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that many more similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside.
Secret Salve writes:
Perry you just seem so incredibly intellectually lazy. You couldn't be bothered doing actual research. Instead you seek out articles which support your need to believe so you can find those little bullshit tidbits that can allow you to say "Ah-huh! See evolution is a lie". You try so hard to search out these confirmational biased articles
Secret Slave,
Below, I have gone to the trouble of cutting and pasting for you the information being discussed IN A SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL. This way you do not have to click on the sole link that I provided in my opening post. I have even added bold type and underlining.
New, exceptionally preserved specimens of the weakly sclerotized arthropod Waptia fieldensis from the middle Cambrian (ca. 508 million years ago) Burgess Shale, Canada, provide the oldest example of in situ eggs with preserved embryos in the fossil record. The relatively small clutch size, up to 24 eggs, and the relatively large diameter of individual eggs, some over 2 mm, contrast with the high number of small eggs—found without preserved embryos—in the bivalved bradoriid arthropod Kunmingella douvillei from the Chengjiang biota (ca. 515 million years ago).
"508 Million Year Old" Exceptionally Preserved Embryos Found
by Perry inactually, they we found over 100 years ago.
but because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, dna fragments etc.
, many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that many more similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside.
Oh dear,
Same old tired misdirection & personal attacks. Why didn't anyone comment on the fact that the published article stated specifically that it was preserved embryos?
There is no amount of misdirection or personal attacks that can change that fact.
Like I mentioned there are MANY scientifically published articles that illustrate soft ORIGINAL tissues, blood cells, dna fragments and other biological material found in items that are dated in the "millions" of years...... which is an impossibility for the evolutionist; not to mention many other "not so old things".
Here's just a few:
As listed by Dr. Walt Brown…
- allegedly 17 million year old magnolia leaf contains DNA (Scientific American 1993)
- allegedly 18 million year old salamander muscle and vessels filled with blood (Proc. Roy. Soc. 2009)
- allegedly 40 million year old bee fossil contains LIVING bacteria (Science 1995)
- allegedly 120 million year old insect fossil contains DNA (Nature 1993)
- allegedly 200 million year old fish fossil contains DNA (Science. News 1992)
- allegedly 400 million year old fish amino acids (Journal of Applied Genetics 2003).
- allegedly 600 million year old rock contains LIVING bacillus (Nature 2000).AGAIN: Here's the list of 20 Years of Scientific Journal Article Research
Way past time to dethrone evolution folks.
"508 Million Year Old" Exceptionally Preserved Embryos Found
by Perry inactually, they we found over 100 years ago.
but because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, dna fragments etc.
, many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that many more similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside.
Village Idiot, The key word here is "preserved", presumably un-fossilized, ie. original material.
It's time to disregard evolution as a tired, discredited 19th Century Theory that didn't hold up to scientific discovery as the 150 Million Year old Squid Ink discovery below further illustrates:
Drawing the Wrong Conclusion: Squid Ink Cannot Last 150 Million Years
by Kyle Butt, M.Div. The sketch of a fossilized squid named Belemnotheutis antiquus is unremarkable in many ways. The “uninformed” observer would think that it is just another, everyday line drawing. What makes this sketch so noteworthy is the fact that the ink used to draw the creature was extracted from the creature’s own fossil—a fossil that, according to the evolutionary timeline, is supposed to date back 150 million years. Yes, the useable ink is supposedly 150 million years old.
Of course, when an evolutionist discovers that a substance as prone to decay as squid ink is still usable, it calls for an explanation. Phil Wilby, the researcher who led the excavation, commented: “Normally you would find only the hard parts like the shell and bones fossilized but there are a handful of locations around the world where soft preservation of the muscle, guts and gills has taken place” (as quoted in Wardrop, 2009). Wilby noted that these soft-tissues “can be dissected as if they are living animals, you can see muscle fibres and cells.” In what sounds like an astounding understatement, he stated: “It is difficult to imagine how you can have something as soft and sloppy as an ink sac fossilized in three dimension, still black, and inside a rock that is 150 millions years old” (as quoted in Wardrop). The word “difficult” does not seem to harness the concept of the leap that Wilby is asking observers to make. Words and phrases like “miraculous,” “impossible,” “beyond comprehension,” “outside the bounds of all known scientific laws” would seem to fit better in this discussion. Supposedly, a squid’s soft ink sac has lasted for 150 million years in such a well-preserved state that you can mix the ink with a little ammonia solution and use it to draw a picture. Such a conclusion is simply not feasible, scientific, or rational.
When this discovery was made, the millions-of-years dating so often relied upon by evolutionists should have immediately been called into question. But it was not. Instead, the evolutionary community said this miraculous preservation is an example of the “Medusa Effect.” How the Medusa Effect could preserve such tissue is not explained. Nor is there any discussion of all the physical and chemical barriers that would be insurmountable in preserving useable ink or soft tissue for 150 million years. Instead, the discovery is simply presented with a wave of the evolutionary hand as if to say, “Don’t think about this too much, just trust us when we say ink could last 150 million years.”
Surely, it is high time that the thinking population of the world quits “trusting” the evolutionary scenario when such direct evidence of its inadequacy is written in “black and white.” This new discovery stretches the “soft tissue” preservation myth back even farther than many of the dinosaur fossils that contain soft tissue (see Lyons, 2007; Butt, 2009). How refreshing would it be to see the scientific community truly follow the evidence where it leads by demanding that the alleged millions of years of Earth history be re-evaluated? It is sad to realize that a general population of honest scientists following the evidence where it leads is little more than a pipe dream, mired by the reality of virtually an entire community that has been deluded by the specter of evolution. What would it take to blot out the false notion that the Earth is millions of years old? How much more ink will have to be spilled on the subject before the billions of years of evolution history are jettisoned for their lack of validity? Too much. Far too much.
"508 Million Year Old" Exceptionally Preserved Embryos Found
by Perry inactually, they we found over 100 years ago.
but because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, dna fragments etc.
, many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that many more similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside.
Actually, they we found over 100 years ago. But because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, DNA fragments etc. , many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that MANY MORE similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside. (Something our incredibly intelligent scientists apparently never thought of doing until one was sawed in two to allow for air transport since it was so big.)
This appears to confirm my prediction that similar discoveries would be made and have no relevance WHATSOEVER to the vast ages assigned to them whether is was 60 million years, 200 million years.... or in this case over 500 million years.
“New, exceptionally preserved specimens of the weakly sclerotized arthropod Waptia fieldensis from the middle Cambrian (ca. 508 million years ago) Burgess Shale, Canada, provide the oldest example of in situ eggs with preserved embryos in the fossil record,” the researchers wrote in a report published earlier this month in the journal “Current Biology.”