What are your thoughts about this question ?
There will be far more co-rulers that 144K. This refers to ONLY Israelites, the remnant God reserves for himself who do not support the anti-christ during the great tribulation.
In the Thousand-Year Reign, the Earth's population will be as numerous as the Sands of the Sea. (Billions and Billions) These people are the survivors and the offspring of the survivors of all of the anti-christs wars at the end of the great tribulation. They are not immortal (church-age saints) but have life-spans similar to those who lived before the flood. They are commonly referred to as tribulation saints.
Millions of church-age saints (believers during the times of the gentiles) will have already been raptured, their bodies resurrected and united with their souls. They will have bodies exactly like the one that Jesus had after his resurrection..... able to thrive in heaven and on earth, doubtless multi-dimensional and very powerful. (Higher than the angels)
If you figure the USA has about 22 million people in the government, it is not hard to image many millions of people working in collaboration with Jesus as the King of the Earth since there will only be ONE government during this time.