Greek scholar Didymus the Blind (c. 350 A.D.) is known to have cited the passage extensively in his commentary on Ecclesiastes, which was discovered in the 1940's. It was commented on at a time when it is admitted that "many manuscripts, both Greek and Latin contained the story" ( cf. Jerome) of the Woman Taken in Adultery.
Not only was the passage known among Greek commentators from before Jerome's time, it was known specifically in Alexandria, the suspected source of the Alexandrian text-type, which omits the verses. (ie. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts which are summarily rejected as hopelessly corrupted by millions of Christians today)
Early Writers and John 8:1-11
Date | Author | comments |
c. 150 B.C. | Susanna new! | - O.G. has "ορθρου" |
60-120 A.D. | Didache | - Greek & Commentary |
100 A.D. | Papias | - Greek/English |
140 A.D. | Marcion | - early tampering |
150 A.D. | Gospel of Peter | - & John 8:1-11 |
c. 150 A.D. | Susanna (Theod.) | - Theod: πᾶς ὁ λαὸς |
140-160 A.D. | Diatesseron | - knows of Jn 8:1-11 |
210 A.D. | Tertullian | - evidence of edict |
220 A.D. | Hippolytus | - on Susanna & Origen |
230 A.D. | Origen | - not so silent |
250 A.D. | Didaskalia | - quotes Jn 8:1-11 |
290-556 A.D. | The Emperors | - Adultery & Roman Law |
c. 330 A.D. | Constantine | - (see Philostorgius) |
c. 350 A.D. | Apostolic Constitutions | - PA as Holy Scripture |
Apostolic Const. | - Greek Text | |
350 A.D. | Ambrosiaster | - a solid quotation |
360 A.D. | Didymus | - quotes PA as scripture |
370 A.D. | Pacian | - Supports Jerome |
c. 384 A.D. | Jerome | - on John 8:1-11 |
Jerome's NT Preface | - good discussion | |
388 A.D. | Ambrose | - quotes Jn 8:1-11 |
350-400 A.D. | Epiphanius new! | - Euseb. Canon has PA! |
380-400 A.D. | Faustus on PA | - quoted by Augustine |
400 A.D. | Augustine | Supports PA & TR |
408 A.D. | Rufinus | - aware of PA |
c. 400 A.D. | Chrysostom | - new evidence for PA |
425 A.D. | Philostorgius | - discusses tampering |
429 A.D. | Theodoret | - startling evidence |
400-450 | Sozomen new! | - Constantine & Crispus |
425-450 A.D. | Sedulius | - PA as Holy Scripture |
4th-5th cent. | Syriac PA | - accepted as genuine |
c.650+ A.D. | Gospel of Barnabas new! | - & the PA |
c.700 A.D. | The Venerable Bede | - homily on PA |
c.1100 A.D. | Euthymius | - evidence misused |