Wonderful news Captain! Very happy and excited for you.
Posts by Perry
My son graduated last Friday
by Captain Schmideo2 ini have talked about him before on this forum.
he is now a graduate from mit!.
it was a lovely weekend.. i got to meet some of the friends he has made in the past four years, and some of their families.. they were very nice, decent, friendly, and enjoyable people.
"Keep testing if you are in the faith" Just like a Doctors visit??
by stuckinarut2 ina thought came to mind.. often when we awaken to the "truth about the truth", jws will ask "what made you start questioning things?
they act as if we are doing something wrong by questioning facts.. but, the scripture at 2 cor 13:5 clearly says "keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you are".
so, this implies regular checks of our faith, and all we believe to be true.
The 2nd half of that scripture ends with: "except ye be reprobates"? (KJV)
So the only ones who don't apply a test to see if their faith is genuine are reprobates.
Definition: When a sinner is so hardened as to feel no remorse or misgiving of conscience, it is considered as a sign of reprobation.
This is how I reasoned when I left in Nov. 1995. I lived through the 1975 false prediction as a 12 year old. I lived through the generation prediction collapse with the Nov. 1995 issue of the Watchtower at age 32... I saw no remorse, no apologies; just more misdirection and denials.
They failed the test of faith. And with their failure, my misplaced faith also failed.
I'm so glad I got out when I did. -
JW stopped me in the street.....
by Phizzy inhe pulled up in his car beside me and asked for directions, then he recognized me, we used to be in the same congo.. the usual pleasantries, i gave him directions, and then "when are you going to come back then" he asks.. "never" i say, "well, it has all changed" he says, " it's not like it used to be" i detect a tone of regret.. "but you know there is nowhere else to go" he boldly proclaims.. "yes there is !
" say i, "there is somewhere where you can find truth, and truth is supported by facts and evidence ".
he had to drive off then as he was blocking a narrow street, i did not get time to say " go to jw facts.com", i will tell him next time..
Wow, that's a totally different beast !
JW stopped me in the street.....
by Phizzy inhe pulled up in his car beside me and asked for directions, then he recognized me, we used to be in the same congo.. the usual pleasantries, i gave him directions, and then "when are you going to come back then" he asks.. "never" i say, "well, it has all changed" he says, " it's not like it used to be" i detect a tone of regret.. "but you know there is nowhere else to go" he boldly proclaims.. "yes there is !
" say i, "there is somewhere where you can find truth, and truth is supported by facts and evidence ".
he had to drive off then as he was blocking a narrow street, i did not get time to say " go to jw facts.com", i will tell him next time..
Thanks for posting this little bit of insight on WT culture these days. I voluntarily left in Nov. of '95 for reasons of conscience.
A recently faded ex-JW told me recently that I would not even recognize the meetings if I were to go back to visit now.
Are they not even using songbooks now Listener? I knew about the prerecorded viceos in place of live parts. It all makes me want to go visit just to see for myself. -
by dogisgod ini just heard this the other day.
growing up a jehovahs witness is like growing up in no.
In the past I have described the JW experience as a cross between N. Korean brain-washing tactics and mafia-style callousness..... displayed by people who wear suits.
I remember a Circuit Overseer stating that he had heard that some people had accused JW's as being brain washed. He then stated with a smirky smile that most people probably needed to have their brains washed. -
Joseph Rutherford = Donald Trump
by Wild_Thing ini have been rereading a lot about rutherford lately; about his personality and the kind of person he was.
i have come to the conclusion that he was a lot like donald trump.. he was an accused womanizer.. he was a narcissist with a self inflated ego.
he claimed to be persecuted by the media all the time.
There is complaint in various places that the Watch Tower studies have degenerated into mere reading lessons.
Seems like this has been a problem from the beginning.
The dishonesty of JWs vs mainstream churches
by Wonderment inone of the most vexing matters confronting us as christians has to do with the apparent lack of honesty of so-called "christian" teachers on the many issues they frequently talk about.
this should not be shocking to us since scripture tells us that "everyone has sinned.
" (rom.
There are far more capable people than I that have studied this out:
Preterism holds that Ancient Israel finds its continuation or fulfillment in the Christian church at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. This is also called "Replacement Theology". The Watchtower has adopted a type of replacement theology where (in their view) Israel's national contract with God that was inaugurated on Mt. Sinai was transferred onto them, the Wt. leaders. Neither view lines up with scripture:
Galatians 3:
For all who rely on the works of the law are under the curse. For it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the Book of the Law, to do them.”11 Now it is evident that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, for “The just shall live by faith.”12 But the law is not of faith, for “The man who does them shall live by them.”13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by being made a curse for us—as it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”14 so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
The Law and the Promise
15 Brothers, I am speaking in human terms: Though it is only a man’s covenant, yet if it is ratified, no one annuls or adds to it. 16 Now the promises were made to Abraham and his Seed. He does not say, “and to seeds,” meaning many, but “and to your Seed,”meaning one, who is Christ. 17 And this I say, that the law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not annul the covenant that was ratified by God in Christ, so as to nullify the promise. 18 For if the inheritance comes from the law, it no longer comes from the promise. But God gave it to Abraham through a promise.And Romans 1: 25 - For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, lest you be wise in your own estimation, for a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
Clearly, the old and new covenants are running concurrently. The former is a national covenant where only the nation of Israel is guaranteed survival. (The modern nation of Israel testifies to its veracity). The new covenant is a personal contract between God and the believer. It is FAR better because it irrevocably guarantees the avoidance of Personal Condemnation for the believer..... because Christ was condemned in our place, suffering our due punishment. God adopts us and takes personal responsibility for our continued existence, training, discipline, and yes ... he often spoils us with many gifts; just as we do with our own children.
We are nearing the close of the Age of Grace (the current dispensation) . God will shortly deal directly with the nation of modern Israel, after the rapture of the christian believers; to restore their belief. As a nation, this time they will treat the King with the proper respect. When they collectively cry out "blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord", then he will return.But, it will take global upheaval to get them to do that. But, it is going to happen..... guaranteed. The Return of the King.
One more dispensation to go - The Millennium.Will be quite a ride.
The dishonesty of JWs vs mainstream churches
by Wonderment inone of the most vexing matters confronting us as christians has to do with the apparent lack of honesty of so-called "christian" teachers on the many issues they frequently talk about.
this should not be shocking to us since scripture tells us that "everyone has sinned.
" (rom.
Mr. Roboto,
Paul was accepted as an apostle by Peter, James and John... Jesus' closest confidants. Jesus admitted that he was sent primarily to the JEWS, the benefactors of previous agreements between God and Abraham , Moses etc. Largely, he was not received.
Paul speaks of dispensations.; Which are different ways God relates to man in different time periods. Jesus, being God himself manifest in the flesh, spoke of the current dispensation prophetically. Paul was chosen to get the new dispensation kicked off.
In a nutshell, the message to the Jews was Mt. 24: 14 (a kingdom message). This is what the Jews were waiting on and should have resonated with them. Apparently Jesus wasn't macho enough for them.
The message to the gentiles is recorded in Acts. Ch. 10 where (the resurrected) Jesus instructs Peter and the other apostles to emphasize Judgment as the message to the gentiles. All people will be personally judged AFTER they die. (Heb. 9:27) Paul spearheaded this alternate message, since the kingdom message was rejected. This easily accounts for the differences in message between Jesus and Paul.... and obviously makes no other sense otherwise:
Matt. 22:Jesus spoke to them again by parables, saying, 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, 3 and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding, but they would not come.
4 “Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited: See, I have prepared my supper. My oxen and fattened calves are killed, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
5 “But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his business; 6 the rest took his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them. 7 When the king heard about it, he was angry. He sent in his army and destroyed those murderers and burned up their city. (In 70 AD the Romans did this)
8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. 9 Go therefore to the streets, and invite to the wedding banquet as many as you find.’ 10 So those servants went out into the streets and gathered together as many as they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests.
That invitation is still open to anyone who would receive it.... some 2000 years later. But, the hour is late.
The dishonesty of JWs vs mainstream churches
by Wonderment inone of the most vexing matters confronting us as christians has to do with the apparent lack of honesty of so-called "christian" teachers on the many issues they frequently talk about.
this should not be shocking to us since scripture tells us that "everyone has sinned.
" (rom.
John 1.1; John 1.18; John 8.58; Acts 20.28; Hebrews 1.8
The early church elders (fathers) taught & quoted these scriptures.... a lot. Many were students taught directly by the apostles. They clarified and defended the doctrines laid out for us in the scriptures. Reading their writings leaves no doubt as to the beliefs handed down to us starting with the apostles.http://thecripplegate.com/did-the-early-church-affirm-jesus-deity/
Go to memorial tonight and chug the entire cup when it's passed to you
by Bad_Wolf inhas anybody done this?
i'd love to hear the story.
i wonder how they'd scramble to fix that if somebody chugged the whole glass, and even more if was set up with two people to sit in places to get both glasses at the same time.
Hi neat blue dog, and thank you.
My ability to post new topics has been disabled for a couple years now. I have sent Simon a couple requests to look into this but he has never responded.
If this was done intentionally, it shows that in some places freedom is controlled outside the WT as much as it is in.
What do you say Simon? Time to reinstate your favorite Christian?